Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1648: Mysterious fish 1

Chapter 1648 Mysterious Fish 1

"This... Brother Chen, what kind of monster is this?"

The white-clothed girl was a little frightened, snuggling next to Luo Chen, grabbing his sleeves tightly.

Based on her knowledge, this kind of fish monster had never seen it.

"do not know."

Luo Chen looked at the dense array of strange fish in the lake, his eyes faintly excited, and he stretched out his hand to embrace the girl in white.

The new monster species, this is really a big discovery,

Jun Mohuang looked at Di Lingtian, and Di Lingtian touched her head and said, "This is a beast that has never appeared in the outside world. Perhaps it is a creature unique to the secret realm of Tianlong."

It is very normal for a brand new monster to appear in a place like the Tianlong Secret Realm that has not been the same as the outside world for a long time.

Even Emperor Lingtian and Luo Chen didn't understand this kind of fish monster. It seemed that they had to do some research before crossing the lake.

Jun Mohuang took two steps towards the lake, stretched out his hand, and quickly retracted.

In less than a second, the monster fish gathered by the lake looked like crazy, their tails flicked hard, went out of sleep, and bit at Jun Mohuang's hand.

A huge splash of water splashed on the lake, and countless strange fish jumped out of the water.

After Jun Mohuang withdrew his hand in time, the strange fish flew into the air, but failed to jump ashore, most of them fell back to the surface of the water along the original trajectory.

The strange fish who hadn't eaten the meat looked at Jun Mohuang on the shore, grinning, the fierce light in the fish's eyes, staring closely.

Two of them managed to jump ashore, and fell not far from Jun Mohuang's feet with a snap.

This time, the four of them thoroughly saw what the strange fish looked like.

The head of the strange fish is big and small, in the shape of an inverted triangle, covered with a layer of green fish scales.

That big mouth occupies two-thirds of the head, and the big mouth is full of dense fangs.

The fangs were covered with dark red mucus. I don't know if it was the blood of other creatures in the lake or some other mucus, emitting an unspeakable stench.

In short, it looks very disgusting.

The girl in white took the lead in covering her nose, standing behind Luo Chen, her eyes full of disgust.

The two strange fishes on the land have no ability to move freely in the water.

The desire for flesh and blood caused them to crawl on the land, sliding their two fins, with their long mouths exposing their fangs, and biting them towards Jun Mohuang.

Jun Mohuang took out a divine weapon-level long sword and stab it suddenly. The sharp sword pierced the green fish scales, splashing a burst of sparks.

Then... the tip of the long sword in her hand was twisted and shattered, completely turning into a pile of metal waste.

Jun Mohuang watched this scene in disbelief.

This is a long sword of an eight-star artifact, she specially asked Di Lingtian to come and study it.

The tip of the sword was just scrapped. How powerful are the scales of this strange fish.

The moment Jun Mohuang was stunned, two strange fishes had already come to her feet, opening their blood basin and trying to bite her.

Di Lingtian pulled her behind and shot at the same time as Luo Chen.

Jun Mohuang saw two red and white lights flashing in front of him at the same time.

The two strange fish were penetrated by two long swords. The red long sword was blood-red and the evil charm was bloodthirsty. It was the long sword of Emperor Lingtian.

The white long sword is snow-white, crystal clear and holy, it is Luo Chen's long sword.

The two strange fish fiddled with their tail twice unwillingly, and then died.

Di Lingtian drew his long sword, and Jun Mohuang kicked the fish twice, hitting a layer of fish scales harder than metal.

"What kind of weird fish is this? You can't even pierce the Eight-Star artifact."

The white-clothed girl pinched Luo Chen's sleeve, showing a look of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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