Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1645: Four people together 1

Chapter 1645

"Stop fighting, one for each person, just right."

Upon seeing this, Jun Mohuang stuffed two fruit cores into the two soil crystals, and poured the essence of water and wood elements.

The three immediately took their own cores, and each cultivated and looked after them in their own way.

For the remaining twenty, Jun Mohuang asked Di Lingtian to help her seal it in the cold jade box to ensure that there would not be a slight hill in the vitality of these twenty cores.

The vitality of the core does not mean that it will be successful.

These three pits are her first batch of experiments, and they may fail.

These twenty fruit cores must be properly kept, the more vigorous cores, the better.

"Ling Tian, ​​let's continue. Maybe the other water element spirit fruit cores in this forest can be planted."

Jun Mohuang took Di Lingtian's hand and walked forward.

"Let me come, Huang'er, your speed is too slow."

Di Lingtian seemed to be disgusted, but in fact he had boundless favors.

He pulled her backhand into his arms, hugged her and moved quickly forward.

The woods were wandered around by the two of them. At the end of the assessment, Jun Mohuang had harvested a total of 78 vital water elements and obtained 230 water element roots.

Jun Mohuang expressed his satisfaction with this harvest.

Her companions also had their own gains in the second level, but compared to Jun Mohuang's gains, they were not enough to see.

In the third and fourth levels, luck is still in the majority.

The third level was drawn by lottery, and Jun Mohuang directly got the draw and passed it directly.

In the fourth level, the slot machine was shaken, and Jun Mohuang's luck was even more overwhelming. He actually shook to the green channel and directly opened the back door rhythm.

During these two levels, she and Di Lingtian harvested some unique fairy plants and a batch of water elemental spirit crystals in the secret realm of Tianlong.

These things don't look as attractive as the water elemental spirit fruit in the second level, but Jun Mohuang is also very satisfied with it.

This kind of secret exploration is to get what you find.

Don't think that you have got a baby who is against the sky one time, and all the babies of the same grade are waiting behind.

If you really want to think about it this way, it's more realistic to go home to sleep and have sweet dreams.

What's more, these immortal plants themselves are also very precious and rare.

Jun Mohuang's luck is very good, but most people's luck is not so good.

Some are particularly unlucky and sad. In the second, third and fourth levels, there are endless beasts, endless traps, and endless arrows.

They were so exhausted and embarrassed in these three levels.

If the harvest is good, then forget it, but their harvest is not good at all.

Only a few dry medicinal materials, Ling Guo, were completely sorry for their desperate efforts.

Therefore, as soon as the fourth level assessment was over, less than twenty people left when they saw the dragon soul and said with a pleading expression.

"Senior, don't tell us that the fifth level still depends on luck."

"Don't worry, everyone, the next three levels will not depend on luck, they will be very exciting. Let's start."

Dragon Soul said that he was very happy to see the embarrassing performance of these people in the first three levels.

If you are happy enough, you should do business.

The sleeves of the dragon soul flicked, and the remaining less than twenty people were immediately teleported to the fifth level.

The fifth pass is by a large lake with tranquil scenery.

Regarding the fifth level, the Dragon Soul didn't disclose a word about how to pass.

Jun Mohuang was preparing to discuss the matter with Di Lingtian, the aura around him was distorted, Luo Chen and the girl in white were also teleported to the lake.

I went out for a lap today and owed two more. The old rules will be made up at noon tomorrow.

National Day is a double monthly pass. For the sake of recent updates, I would like to ask for a monthly pass.

Seriously speaking, this is the first time I have asked for a monthly pass. Where are your tickets, babies.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you Bian Xiao@超宝宝 for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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