Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1626: What bad luck

Chapter 1626 What bad luck

Those who are eliminated by the lottery group will be immediately taken to all the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm by the Dragon Soul.

Jin Yu asked: "Senior Dragon Soul, the result has already come out. Tell me how to pass the first level after the grouping."

Jin Yu's question immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The first level is very simple. Have you seen the dozen or so gates of the underground palace? You have to go through these gates, and each will enter a special space. You have to collect a certain amount of water elemental spirit crystals within the specified time, and finally Those whose quantity is less than 1,000 shall be eliminated."

Someone immediately asked: "Senior Dragon Soul, how long is the prescribed time?"

The Dragon Soul smiled and said, "Well, the time of each group is different. Seeing that the number on the note you took out is not there, it represents your prescribed time, in minutes."

For a time, those with large numbers in the note in hand, such as Jun Mohuang, Mo Xi, Jin Ying'er and others were very happy.

The number of notes in his hand is not very big, such as Luo Chen and the girl in white.

The girl in white looked at the number 74 in her hand with an unhappy expression.

She originally thought that she and Luo Chen were in the same group, and she was lucky.

As a result, this 74 was used in this way, and the girl in white was suddenly very dissatisfied.

She was angrily in her heart, but just pretended to be disappointed.

"Huang'er, don't be afraid, I will do my best to get you the most water elemental spirit crystals in the shortest time."

Luo Chen hugged her in his arms and patted her back comfortably.

"Brother Chen, you are so kind."

With Luo Chen there, the girl in white felt better.

The most unlucky ones are those whose numbers are less than 50.

These people looked at the note in their hands and wanted to cry without tears. What kind of bad luck is Nima?

On the side with the big number, only Mo Yaxi was in a complicated mood.

In all fairness, she certainly didn't want to be eliminated in the first level.

And the first level is to collect the water elemental spirit crystals, whether it is for her to cultivate herself, hatch the baby in the Phoenix Crystal, or give it to her father and relatives of the demon race.

The quality of the water elemental spirit crystal in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm is bound to be better than that of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Of course, the longer you stay in the first level, the more water elemental spirit crystals you get, the better.

However, she really didn't want to spend as long as 149 minutes with Feng Yehan.

Forget it, isn't it about two and a half hours? When that happens, she only needs to focus on collecting spirit crystals.

"Well, everyone knows the numbers in their hands, so everyone, good luck, we will see you at the second level."

After Dragon Soul said these words, his figure disappeared immediately.

At the same time, the dozen or so stone gates of the underground palace opened slowly.

At the entrance of each stone gate, a number range such as 0-12 and 13-20 is displayed.

Everyone looked at the number on the note in their hand and entered through the corresponding door.

There are people who want to take advantage of the absence of Senior Dragon Soul and think that there is no supervision.

A blue dragon wants to take advantage of the absence of Senior Dragon Soul.

He and his companions originally drew 25. The two disliked that 25 minutes was too short, and then went straight to the stone gate in the range of 140-150.

As a result, the two had just approached Shimen and had not yet entered.

A burst of light broke out from Shimen, and the two directly bounced out.

Then, there was a spirit fluctuation in the position where the two fell out.

The two dragons who wanted to mess around were directly sent out of the Tianlong secret realm.

There are nine chapters tonight, one left, and I will fill it up tomorrow.

I wish you all a happy National Day.

Thank you bandit, Wu Lin, Bright Eye °Suns and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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