Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1613: Turn the rhythm completely crooked 4

Chapter 1613 The rhythm is completely distorted 4

"Maybe you first input the magic energy into the three wounds at the same time, and then disperse and purify the magic energy of the third wound, so as to achieve the purpose of confusing people!"

After a long silence, the dragon said again.

"Oh, this is even more funny. I am neither a Demon Race nor a Spirit Race, nor your Dragon Race. I am just a Human Race. May I ask where I am capable of dispelling and purifying devil energy."

"More importantly, if I can really dispel and purify the devil qi, why should I leave such a devil qi so that you can seize it as evidence."

Jun Mohuang lied this time.

She has half the blood of the spirit race, and of course it can dispel and purify the devil energy.

But, thanks to Emperor Lingtian's cover-up technique, she can now lie grandiosely.

Even Luo Chen couldn't see through her bloodline, thinking she was just a human race, especially these dragon races.

She didn't do this thing, and it was nothing to tell a little lie that no one could break to prove her innocence.

In the hall, all the dragons were silent again.

The Human Race is basically not affected by devil energy, nor does it have the ability to disperse and purify devil energy.

How could Jun Mohuang dispel the purification devil energy.

So their inference just now is not true.

What else can they say? Could it be that Di Lingtian was by Jun Mohuang's side at the time, and the devilish energy in the third wound was dispelled and purified by Di Lingtian, and he deliberately left a little?

This kind of guessing is even more mentally retarded. Di Lingtian is by her side, expelling all the devilish energy to evolve, and there is no shadow left. It should not be too simple for Di Lingtian.

Why did Di Lingtian deliberately retain devilish energy to let them catch the handle?

"In addition to what I just said, you have also overlooked a little. If it is really the dragon that I killed, I will not only take the dragon scales and the dragon tendons, but I will also remove its dragon bones."

"Don't forget, Ling Tian in my family is a very talented rune master, he can use the combination of monster bones and runes to make rune bone dragons."

The rune bone dragon in Jun Mohuang's mouth was the golden bone dragon that he summoned when Di Lingtian held her from the black flying boat to the magic palace when he first arrived at the Nine Nether World.

The golden bone dragon was made by him using the jade-horned maniac's beast-bones talisman.

The flight speed and combat power of the bone dragon can be controlled by the carved jade symbols.

It can be used as a flying mount and has a certain combat power, which is stronger than flying boats, wings and flying monsters.

Of course, dragon bones are the best for making bone dragons.

"The Runic Bone Dragon made from a true dragon skeleton is much stronger than the Bone Dragon made from the bones of other monsters in terms of combat power and flight speed. This kind of opportunity is in front of me. I will not miss it. ."

At this time, the dragons had nothing to say.

Even though the Heavenly Dragon Realm had been sealed for so long, they knew that the runes of the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm were unparalleled in the world, and even stronger than the **** Luo Chen of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

What Jun Mohuang said is true, if she really killed it, she would really take off the dragon bone and give it to Di Lingtian.

What the **** is going on, obviously... The evidence just now is clear, the real killer of the dragon is Jun Mohuang.

Why was she said in a few words, it made them feel that she was beginning to lose ground.

So what is going on here, who is the murderer who killed Qinglin?

All dragon races are in deep thinking.

Even Jin Yu on the main seat was lost in thought.

The girl in white couldn't tolerate the situation she had worked so hard to set up, and Jun Mohuang made a few words to get a crooked rhythm.

Today's update is complete...

I’m too tired today. I will send out six shifts first, and make up the rest tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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