Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1607: What else to say 2

Chapter 1607 What else to say 2

The gazes of other dragons, let alone more.

The girl in white saw this scene, and a faint mockery appeared in her eyes.

Oh, this woman, she thought how clever she was.

She didn't know if she took out the Demon Qi Bead to confirm the guess of the Dragon Race from the side.

After all, what she used was the magical energy beads.

"Whatever you say, regardless of the devilish energy on the wound, His Royal Highness judged that it was the demon clan of the Nine Nether Realm and Ling Tian's instigation. It would be too hasty."

Jun Mohuang expressed the so-called so-called to Jin Yu's hat.

"Why can't the spirit tribe of the heavenly spirit world dry this matter with devil energy beads from a special channel."

She has already demonstrated the use of magic beads.

She can crush it, and the spirit races of the heavenly spirit world, or people of other races can do the same.

"Hmph, Miss Jun, you are wearing golden silk silkworm gloves, which can isolate the devil energy and other auras harmful to the owner's body, so you can be safe after crushing the devil energy beads."

"Golden silk silkworm gloves are extremely precious. As the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm, it is not uncommon for you to have such a good thing in your hands, but can you think that everyone has such gloves in their hands?"

In order to stop Jun Mohuang's words, Jin Yu took the trouble to popularize the preciousness of the golden silk silkworm gloves.

There are many treasures of the Heavenly Spirit Realm in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, but the Dragon Clan has always been lazy and accustomed to it.

With the raw material of the silkworm gold silk, the dragons could not make a pair of gloves.

It is difficult to find the raw material of the silkworm gold thread, and it is difficult to refine it.

Of all the continents, I am afraid that only Emperor Lingtian, Luo Chen and the beast emperor of the Xuantu Heaven Realm can handle it.

Jun Mohuang didn't expect that the pair of gloves that Emperor Lingtian gave her would be so precious and rare.

However, this is also in line with Di Lingtian's style.

Refining is difficult and precious, only three people can handle it, right?

Jun Mohuang looked at Jin Yu, then at the girl in white, and suddenly smiled.

"Really, then why isn't it the **** queen of the heavenly spirit world, who killed the blue dragon with golden silk silkworm gloves, crushed the devil energy beads, and wanted to blame us on the Nine Nether World."

When she first came to the hall, she had no idea about this matter.

Now, she probably understood what was going on.

It was thanks to Jin Yu who provided her with ideas.

"You, what are you talking about nonsense, how could you kill this blue dragon so cruelly!"

The white-clothed girl was waiting for the flames of war to burn on Jun Mohuang, but she did not expect her to bring the topic to her.

The girl in white couldn't help but stiff, couldn't help it

"I just guessed a possibility, and didn't say that it must be done this way, what are you doing so excited."

Jun Mohuang looked at her amusedly, her black eyes, which seemed to be able to see the deepest secrets of her heart instantly.

"Does this matter really have something to do with you."

"You are joking, the devil qi orb is a special product of the Nine Netherworld, how could it be possible to get it afterwards."

The girl in white was staring at Jun Mohuang's eyes so that her heart was frizzy, and she desperately held her breath to discern herself.

"Miss Jun, my fiancee is kind and weak. I will definitely not kill the dragons to frame the Nine Nether World. This will not do her any good. Please also Ms. Jun not to slander me on the grounds of speculation. fiancée."

What else Jun Mohuang had to say was interrupted by Luo Chen.

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(End of this chapter)

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