Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1603: Super spicy eyes 2

Chapter 1603 Super Spicy Eyes 2

Chu Zhonghe wanted the Chu family to turn over too much. He completely forgot that his flower-like daughter had been beaten into a pig head by him along the way.

Therefore, when Chu Tang squeezed and spoke in a pretentious manner, the scene seemed super hot.

"His Royal Highness, these people..."

The five dragons looked at Jin Yu, and they wondered if the prince would change their minds after he was down.

Of course, His Royal Highness's change of mind would definitely increase the punishment of the Chu Family.

Such a hot-eyed woman wanted to ask His Royal Highness for forgiveness, what a joke.

"Follow Ying'er's words."

Jin Yu strongly suppressed his desire to increase the punishment of the Chu Family.

This is not the time to care about the Chu family.

He just heard a news that made him instantly alert.

"You just said that in order to compete for the food that Master Jun made, your darlings have spent almost the same amount of money and started fighting against the same clan?"

Jin Yu's golden eyes narrowed, and a cold golden light flashed by.

"Yes, His Royal Highness. Anyway, we slept for so long because of hunger. Taking this opportunity to exercise is good."

"His Royal Highness, rest assured, we will fight with the same clan. We just stop until we stop, and we won't cause serious injuries."

The five dragons nodded immediately.

Regarding this matter, Jin Ying'er and the other dragons thought it was a good thing.

But Jin Yu didn't think so at all.

There was a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Jin Yu's eyes flashed, and he continued to ask: "Which power does that master Jun belong to?"

"Return to His Royal Highness the Prince, Master Jun is from the Nine Nether Realm, and she is the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm Demon Emperor, and she has a noble status..."

When one of the silver dragons talked about Jun Mohuang, he couldn't help but exaggerate.


Jin Yu heard this, and his golden eyes became colder.

He yelled at the five dragons, immediately transformed into a real body, and flew to Sky Dragon City at the fastest speed.

The Devil Emperor Ling Tian of the Nine Nether Realm and the God Sovereign Luo Chen of the Heavenly Spirit Realm were both very dangerous figures.

On the same level as these two, there is the beast emperor from the Xuandu Realm.

However, the beast emperor has never seen the head and the tail, and his whereabouts have become a mystery over the years. It is said that even the high level of the beast clan in the Profound Capital Realm had no chance to see him.

Therefore, in Jin Yu's mind, only Di Lingtian and Luo Chen should be guarded.

The Heavenly Dragon Realm can live like a fish under the two forces, and neither force dare to offend the Heavenly Dragon Realm, not only because of the special identity of the dragon clan.

It was even more because the Nine Nether World and the Heavenly Spirit World were in a hostile state.

The two sides want to kill each other, but they have been in a stalemate evenly matched.

Once the dragon clan of the Heavenly Dragon Realm joins a certain camp, or once the resources of the Heavenly Dragon Realm tilt to a certain side, the situation will change.

If things go on like this, one of them will rule the world sooner or later.

Whether it is Emperor Lingtian or Luo Chen dominating the world, it is very detrimental to the dragon clan.

When all races must bow their heads to someone, the special status of the dragon clan will no longer exist, and the dragon clan will become the target of rule.

His sister Jin Ying'er was young and didn't understand the way.

Other dragons should always think of.

But these dragons were blinded by eating.

Jin Yu absolutely does not allow this to happen. He wants to protect the Heavenly Dragon Realm and the position of the Dragon Race.

He must return to Tianlong City immediately to prevent Jun Mohuang from continuing to show off in the dragon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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