Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1600: Framed and Framed 4

Chapter 1600 Framed and Framed 4

These demon qi then followed the meridians of Qinglong's body and quickly gathered to Qinglong's forehead.

Qinglong's entire body was stretched straight, shaking with pain.

Among all races, the aversion of the dragon race to demonic energy is limited to the spirit race.

Under this great pain, Qinglong should have woken up.

But the drug of the girl in white worked.

Qinglong's body just trembled, his eyelids throbbed, but he didn't wake up.

Can't even make a cry of pain.

The smile on the lips of the girl in white enlarged, and she continued to do the same.

Also crushed a demon energy bead on the second wound.

By the time she reached the third wound, the magic bead in her hand had already been pinched.

The magical energy remaining in the hands of the white-clothed girl casually touched it.

The devil energy distribution in the three wounds is very uneven, and the devil energy in the third wound is much less.

Anyway, she was just trying to create the illusion that the blue dragon was infiltrated by the devilish energy, and the small details of even distribution would not affect her plan at all.

These two times, Qinglong's body was still in pain, but he still did not wake up.

On the contrary, as the devilish energy invaded from the wound time and time again, Qinglong quickly wilted.

The cyan scales all over his body began to dim.

More and more devilish energy gathered on Qinglong's forehead, directly causing Qinglong to fall into a coma directly from his sleep.

Successfully killed a Qinglong, her strategy was half successful.

The white-clothed girl took out a golden long sword, uncovered the light gauze, opened her eyes hard, pinpointed the position of Qinglong's heart, and suddenly stabbed.

The golden long sword cuts tofu with a sharp knife. It cuts the thick scales covering the heart of Qinglong, and easily pierced the heart.

Qinglong was stabbed suddenly, his tail suddenly swayed in a coma, his body trembled, his head drooped, and his sound soon died.

When the white-clothed girl heard Qinglong's breathing stagnating, she drew her sword out and avoided it in time.

The red blood spewed out like a fountain and touched the entire stone room.

"Queen of God... Queen of God you..."

The maid looked at all this in a daze, she couldn't believe that this girl in white, who was weak and weak in front of Luo Chen, was so bold.

She... She killed a dragon directly!

This is a dragon, not a cat or a dog.

Even the gods who came to the Heavenly Dragon Realm would not kill the Dragon Clan unless they had torn their face with the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Even the blue dragon of the lowest level.

In the Heavenly Dragon Realm, killing a dragon clan is equivalent to taking over all the dragons in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

She... She not only killed the dragon clan, but also a blue dragon.

The handmaid paled with fright and was flustered.

Glancing in confusion, she saw that under the pale yellow light emitted by countless Ye Mingzhu, the girl in white was standing beside a pool of blood, carrying a golden long sword, and showing a vicious smile.

Her eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake.

The handmaid's back was chilled, and her mind was instantly sober.

"The slave servant...The slave servant didn't see anything, please continue!"

The girl in white is brave enough to kill the dragon, and she can kill her too.

The maid chose to be a blind man, a blind man who knew nothing.

"This is the smart choice."

The girl in white lifted her lips, revealing a vicious smile.

She flipped her wrist and waved the long sword in her hand to cut off all the scales of the entire Azure Dragon and received it in the space ring.

After removing the scales, she used a special method to remove the dragon tendons from Qinglong's back.

"Long Jin, this is an excellent raw material for the legendary refining device."

(End of this chapter)

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