Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1597: Framed

Chapter 1597 is planted and framed

The maid trembling with fright.

Luo Chen's love for the white-clothed girl is unknown to everyone in the entire shrine.

If someone doesn't want to be afraid of Luo Chen's bed, the end will definitely be worse than the death of the whole family.

If she agrees now, as long as there is no mistake, as long as she is not discovered by the gods, then she will still be safe and sound.

In this way, the girl in white successfully let the maid lead her out through threats.

As soon as she left the house, the girl in white positioned herself in the air, and then asked her maid to support her and walked outside the city of Heavenly Dragon.

Because of Jun Mohuang, the entire Tianlong City has now become extremely deserted.

With Jun Mohuang's food, people from other continents found that their food couldn't be sold in Sky City. They had to go to other places in the Heavenly Dragon Realm to try their luck.

The two of them walked out of the gate of the Heavenly Dragon Realm City, but they didn't even touch a ghost shadow.

"Queen of God, where are we going."

When the maid saw the girl in white asking her to help her out of Sky Dragon City, her heart became more disturbed.

The white-clothed girl said, "Is there a forest nearby? Help Ben Queen to the forest."

"The **** queen, what are you going to do in the woods? The woods may contain monsters, which is dangerous!"

The maid subconsciously refused.

Although the white-clothed girl and she are both masters in the Yuan Dynasty Realm.

But Luo Chen cared too much about the girl in white, which made her feel very nervous when she was facing the girl in white.

She was almost protected as a fragile porcelain doll.

There was a sneer on the lips of the girl in white: "If you don't take Ben Empress now, Ben Empress will tell Brother Chen that you are going to climb his bed."

Idiot, what kind of warcraft is there in the woods.

The monsters around Tianlong City should have been eaten up by the dragons.

"Yes, the slave servant will immediately help God and go over!"

This threat worked successfully again.

After arriving in the woods, the girl in white asked her maid to search for it several times, and finally found a big tree with a diameter of more than three meters somewhere in the woods.

The white jade girl walked over with the help of the handmaid and put her hand on the big tree.

A green light flashed in the palm of her hand and sank into the tree.

She used her own wood element power to carefully search for something in this big tree.

Ten minutes later, the girl in white finished searching and said to the maid.

"Grab my hand, no matter what happens in this process, don't let go, otherwise you will die."

"Yes, Queen of God."

The maid didn't know what she was going to do, and she didn't dare to disobey her orders.

Grab her wrist immediately.

After the handmaid grabbed the white-clothed girl's wrist, a green wood element wrapped the two.

After a green light passed, the two of them disappeared instantly.

Only the big tree still exists, and the breeze blows, and the leaves rustle softly.

It seems that the two have never been here.

Ten minutes later, there was a three-tree side with a diameter of more than three meters in a forest somewhere in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

A green wood element flickered, and the white-clothed girl and her maid appeared beside the big tree.

The maid returned to the real world, holding the big tree, and recalling the scene just now, her legs were soft.

The Queen of God...The Queen of God, with the power of wood elements, can actually lead people through the spiritual bond between trees.

She always thought that she was only relying on Luo Chen, but she didn't expect that she really had some abilities.

The white-clothed girl positioned herself in the air for two minutes, and told her maid: "Now hold me, and walk one hundred and fifty meters southeast, there will be a dragon's cave.

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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