Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1583: Not wronged at all, really! 2

Chapter 1583 is not wronged at all, really! 2

In the second round, I don’t know what the white-clothed girl is going to make. I hope that when the two start the second round, Di Lingtian has already returned to Tianlong City.

"Huh, I will come first."

The girl in white took out a ten-centimeter-long incense from the space ring to light it, and then took out a palm-sized crystal bottle.

She opened the cork of the crystal bottle and placed the mouth of the bottle under Qinglong's nose.

An alluring fragrance fills the entire shop.

This fragrance, not to mention the dragons, even Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi couldn't help their index fingers move when they smelled it, and they couldn't help but want to eat.

Jin Ying'er's eyes were straight, and she tried her best to control her urge to grab the crystal bottle and take the transparent liquid in it.

This scent was more tempting than the spirit soup that the girl in white took out when she was on the border.

This is an enhanced version of the spirit soup.

"It smells so sweet, it's so sweet!"

Qinglong greedily sniffed the fragrance in the air, looking at the transparent liquid in the crystal bottle, a pair of cyan eyes were full of blue light.

A drop of silver saliva overflowed from the corner of his lips and dripped onto the special tray.

The silver mouth dripped onto the tray and immediately turned into silver beads.

Ten minutes later, the incense used for timing burned out.

The girl in white covered the lid of the crystal bottle.

She looked at the more than 400 silver beads on the special tray with satisfaction, and looked at Jun Mohuang proudly.

"I got a total of four hundred and fifty-eight ambergris beads. You can't have more than me. You should hurry up and give up."

It takes just over a second to harvest one. This speed is definitely the fastest in the history of the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

She has a magic weapon for cheating, it is impossible for Jun Mohuang to beat her,

"What's the hurry, whoever loses and who wins, will know after trying."

Jun Mohuang took out a crystal bottle exactly like the girl in white.

The only difference is that the liquid in the crystal bottle in her hand is not transparent.

It is a light brown, very turbid liquid.

"Huh, even the impurities have not been removed, and I am embarrassed to compare it with the enhanced version of the spirit soup."

The girl in white showed an expression of extreme disdain.

The delicacy that meets the taste of the dragon family has too many processes, strictly speaking, it is no different from refining medicine.

If the impurities of various ingredients are not removed, it is impossible to achieve a perfect fusion of hundreds of flavors.

Turbid liquid is synonymous with failed products.

As soon as the white-clothed girl's words fell, Jun Mohuang opened the cork of the water mirror bottle, and an aroma that was several times that of the enhanced version of the spirit marrow soup instantly filled the entire shop.

Jun Mohuang placed the water mirror bottle under Qinglong's nose and lit the incense for timing.

Everyone present couldn't help taking a sip of water.

"Ok... it smells good!"

Jin Yinger swallowed fiercely.

This aroma is indescribably attractive.

Jin Ying'er had a strong impulse, she couldn't wait to eat her tongue with this fragrance.

As for the poor blue dragon, his eyes were dull, drops of silver saliva flowed down three thousand feet, suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days.

On the emptied special tray, the silver ambergris rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than five minutes, it surpassed the number of 458 in the white girl.

Ten minutes later, the special tray was piled up with silver ambergris beads, almost unable to fit them, the number has exceeded a thousand.

In the end, Jun Mohuang won the victory with 1,370 ambergris beads.

"how is it."

Jun Mohuang looked at the girl in white with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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