Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1580: I have two more masters than you

Chapter 1580 My master is two more than you

She likes Jun Mohuang very much.

In public and private, Jin Ying'er must protect her from this mad woman in the heavenly spirit world.

With her action, even if the white-clothed girl was severely injured and at most apologized afterwards to pay for something, Luo Chen did not dare to do anything to her.

"All come out and entertain the Princess of the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

The girl in white clapped her hands, and in an instant, ten masters of the fifth and sixth stages of the Yuanhuang Realm surrounded Jin Ying'er in the center.

Jun Mohuang's eyes rolled slightly, tusk, ten hidden guards of the fifth and sixth ranks of Yuanhuang Realm, Luo Chen really cares about this woman.

No, to be precise, I care about this face.

The white-clothed girl slowly smiled and said: "It has long been known that the princess is the only golden dragon in the heavenly dragon world, and she has the noble golden dragon bloodline. They all admire the princess very much, and have always longed for the princess's skills, and they want to learn from the princess."

After she finished speaking, the ten masters of the Yuanhuang realm all looked at Jin Ying'er and were eager to try.


Jin Ying'er was trembling with anger.

Dragons use spiritual energy and foods that meet their tastes as energy sources for cultivation.

The Golden Dragon bloodline in Jin Yinger's body is very noble. She has been hungry for thousands of years, and now she is no more than the third-order of the Yuan Emperor. How could she be the opponent of these ten people.

What a good point of comparison, the girl in white clearly wanted to beat her.

This woman dared to provoke her brazenly in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Don't pay attention to the Heavenly Dragon Realm and Dragon Race at all.

"Hey, don't go too far. You can challenge the status of your Royal Highness!"

The Qinglong who was watching finally couldn't stand it.

Bullying Jin Ying'er is equivalent to bullying the entire dragon clan, pressing the entire dragon clan's face to the ground and rubbing it.

This blue dragon said that he wanted to step forward, but was swept away by three of the ten Yuanhuang realm powerhouses jointly sending out an aura.

This blue dragon was only the first order of the Yuanhuang mirror, and could not stand the force of the three people, backing back and forth.


Jin Ying'er's index finger and thumb were bent into a special shape and placed on her lips to blow.

A special sound, similar to a whistle, rang from all corners of Tianlong City.

This is the unique voice of the dragon clan calling for companions.

This woman thought she had ten masters in the Yuanhuang realm, and she thought she was very powerful.

Sorry, this is in the Celestial Dragon Realm, and she is bullying people on the ground, no one can compare her Jin Ying'er.

But this time, Jin Ying'er had a wrong estimate. She had already sent out the signal to summon other dragons in Sky Dragon City, but no dragons responded.

When Jin Ying'er saw this situation, she suddenly realized that it was us, and she was a little bit dumbfounded.

The silver dragons of Sky Dragon City go to other places to hunt down beasts, not in the city at all.

Even the dragons who went out to set up shops and stalls today, after making a deal with Jun Mohuang, were attracted by her food and turned into real bodies and returned to the nest to move the baby.

Just before she and Jun Mohuang came here, they happened to make a deal with this street and the last shop.

In other words, apart from the blue dragon that had not been completed with Mo Yaxi just now, there was only Jin Ying'er in the entire Sky Dragon City.

Now, Jin Ying'er has the honor of a princess but is helpless.

Jin Ying'er stared at the girl in white angrily.

This woman came to pick things up and chose this point of time specially. The choice was really good!

The white-clothed girl's eyes were dazzling: "Huh, princess, I reminded you later that you should not interfere."

It's not so much that she picks her time well, it's better to say that she picks her time well.

(End of this chapter)

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