Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1538: Junk food is rubbish

Chapter 1538 Junk Food Returned to Junk

As long as Di Lingtian is by her side, she doesn't need a disguise mask to cover her appearance.

"Hey, it will be a bit troublesome if you don't bring it, Luo Chen will bother you."

Di Lingtian said in a seductive tone, took out the disguised mask that was as thin as a cicada's wings and put it in her hand.

"Hey, all right."

Jun Mohuang couldn't figure out the logic, why did Luo Chen come back to bother her after seeing her true appearance.

But the thought that Luo Chen would pay too much attention to her because of this, she felt uncomfortable.

Jun Mohuang immediately picked up the disguise mask and put it on obediently.

Not only her, but all the Mo people who came this time changed their faces.

After all, when you come to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, you will meet Luo Chen and other spirit races. They have been recognized and found to be with the demons, which is not good.

"Wow, this is the Heavenly Dragon Realm!"

Mo Xi leaned under the railing on the deck and looked around. The aura in the Heavenly Dragon Realm was rolling, and it was many times stronger than the poor aura in the Mo ethnic settlement.

She has been busy cultivating diligently recently. With the elixir and silver moon fairy glaze left by Jun Mohuang, her strength has risen, and she has reached the late sixth stage of Yuanjun realm.

Mo Xi took a breath of aura from the Heavenly Dragon Realm intoxicated. It was great. With such a pure and rich aura, she could refresh her strength at a higher rate.

"I have smelled a lot of heavenly treasures."

Mo Yaxi was busy incubating her second phoenix crystal baby during this period, and now it has almost reached the most critical time.

She was in need of a large amount of pure aura and energy in the Heavenly Spirit and Earth Treasure, and it was just right to come to the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled, ready to make a fortune in the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

This time, with the devil emperor of the Nine Nether Realms behind them, everything in the Heavenly Dragon Realm will definitely go smoothly.

Only when Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi thought about it, the Dragon Race of the Heavenly Dragon Realm gave them a cold bench to sit on.

Facing two huge flying boats in the sky, one black and one white, the three dragons guarding the border of the Heavenly Dragon Realm were full of joy.

They knew that as soon as the Heavenly Dragon Realm opened, the first to come would be the Demon Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm and the God Sovereign of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

The food made by the spirit tribe of the Celestial Spirit Realm has always been to the taste of the dragon tribe. In the Celestial Dragon Realm, most of the chefs serving the dragon tribe came from the Celestial Spirit Realm.

The arrival of the gods of the heavenly spirit world with the people of the spirit race means that they can finally eat the real food!

The three dragons had excited eyes and drooling in their mouths. They immediately transformed into real bodies and flew high in the sky, personally welcoming Luo Chen's white crystal flying boat.

They didn't care about the black huge boat in the Nine Nether World at all.

In the impression of the dragon race, the demons of the Nine Nether Realm are surrounded by demonic energy, and the food they make is also demonic, unpalatable to death, and more **** than junk food.

Of course, they will choose to please the spiritual people who can make top-notch food.

"What's the matter, these dragons don't pay attention to us."

Sisters Mo Xi and Mo Yaxi just recovered from the shock of seeing the giant dragon with their own eyes.

Seeing that the three dragons were busy to please the Heavenly Spirit tribe, and even ignored their own side, I was a bit puzzled.

No, the Nine Nether Realm and the Heavenly Spirit Realm have always been on the same level. When did the Heavenly Spirit Realm become noble!

The two sisters had already stood on the side of the Nine Nether Realm because of the relationship between Emperor Mohuang and Emperor Lingtian, completely forgetting that they were also members of the Spirit Race.

"Ignore them, we can go on ourselves."

Jun Mohuang put on a disguise mask and walked out of the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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