Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1530: The Great Crisis of Lord Silver Moon 2

Chapter 1530 The Great Crisis of Lord Silver Moon 2

"Hahahaha, rubbish! You think you can trap this prince by breaking the barrier, this prince will go to capture you, get you cramped and peel, and pull out all your dragon scales!"

Jin Yu's golden dragon body twisted and entered the space tunnel connected by the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

Yinyue trapped him for so long, and he had no way to escape, Jin Yu was deeply ashamed.

The first time he was free, of course, he wanted to avenge that trash brother.

"Sister, take care of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and the emperor's brother will go back."

Jin Yu finally said a word to Jin Yinger's whisper, and the dragon's tail waved and immediately disappeared into the space tunnel.

Below, Jin Ying'er was overjoyed instantly.

When the fierce emperor is gone, she can get along well with her future husband.'s not right, as soon as the emperor is gone, isn't the second emperor in danger.

Jin Ying'er's happy expression hadn't lasted for a second, and her beautiful face was immediately covered with sadness.

Although Brother Erhuang is the sin dragon of the entire Celestial Dragon Realm, Brother Erhuang often gave her all kinds of delicious food when she was a child, and she still couldn't bear that Brother Erhuang was caught and suffered.

Alas, Brother Second Emperor, you must hide, don't let Brother Emperor find him.

"Princess, do you still need me to make food? If you don't need it, let's say goodbye."

The ink dyed dust forcibly suppressed the shock of seeing dozens of dragons lift off at the same time.

Once the Heavenly Dragon Realm opened, this was a major event that caused a sensation in the entire world.

He must immediately notify his sister and father that they know.

He has been separated from his family for so long, and it is time to go back.

Then see if the three younger sisters and the young people of the Mo clan are willing to take risks in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, so that he can bring them all over.

"Ah, husband, you are not allowed to go."

Jin Yinger immediately grabbed him.

"I'm very hungry now. Let's go back to the palace first, and you will make me a good meal."

This time, Jin Ying'er was afraid that Mo Ranchen would refuse her again.

She has a graceful posture, and her body turns around, a pale golden light enveloped her and the ink dyed dust.

When the pale golden light dissipated, the ink stained dust was no longer where it was.

His body was in the air, riding a pale golden dragon, which was obviously transformed by Jin Ying'er.

Mo Ranchen's mood, at this time, he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Jin Ying'er happily flew to Sky Dragon City like she was carrying the baby she had just robbed.

Hee hee hee, the future husband will still adhere to his principles and bottom line when facing her acquaintances, such a good man can't be found with a lantern now.

What's more, he is handsome, elegant and polite, and his blood line belongs to the noble level among the spirit races of the heavenly spirit world.

In short, everything is perfect.

Therefore, when the Heavenly Dragon Realm was able to contact the outside world again, Jin Yinger still insisted on her previous ideas.

The connection between the entire Heavenly Dragon Realm and the four outer continents is still in progress.

When the handover between the Dragon Realm and the upper four continents was completed, the four continents suddenly shook fiercely.

The aura in each continent oscillated, and a trace of unique aura belonging to the Heavenly Dragon Realm was mixed into the four continents.


In the heavenly spirit world, Luo Chen had just walked into the study and was about to send a warning letter to Di Lingtian.

Di Lingtian got the heart of the water mirror in the Bafang Profound Realm, but it didn't really matter.

The heart of the water mirror of the Bafang Profound Realm Spirit Yuanzong is only the heart of a low-grade water mirror, not even the heart of the middle-grade water mirror produced in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

As long as the Heavenly Dragon Realm does not open for a day, the top-grade water mirror spirit roots and the heart of the top-grade water mirror in the Heavenly Dragon Realm cannot be present.

(End of this chapter)

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