Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1528: Drag it down

Chapter 1528 is dragged down and cut

Mo Dianchen: "..."

"Princess, you let me go first. Have you misunderstood something? I will cook food for you, but we don't need to be a husband and wife."

Mo Ranchen was helpless, he only thought she was dizzy with hunger and didn't understand what he said, so he patiently explained it to Jin Ying'er again.

"No! People just want to be the husband's wife!"

Jin Ying'er was repeatedly rejected by Mo Ranchen, and her heart became more flustered.

She looks good, just because she is too thin from starvation all the year round, she can return to normal after raising her husband, there is no need for her husband to refuse.

After thinking about it, I can only fear that she is a princess, and that she is too fierce and that her future life will be unhappy.

Jin Ying'er figured out the trick here, and said solemnly:

"Husband, don’t worry. Although I have a noble status and a princess in the Heavenly Dragon Realm, I have a good temper. I never bully others as a princess. Don’t worry that I will use my identity to suppress you in the future. If you lose your temper, I will definitely be good, and I will listen to you!"

"Princess, I didn't mean that."

The ink stained dust is even more speechless.

Why does this girl misinterpret whatever he says.

Is it really hungry and stupid?

Forget it, let her eat something first.

Mo Ranchen pushed her away, and was about to go to the distant woods to find meat ingredients.

Jin Ying'er thought he was going to abandon him and go away. In a hurry, she hugged Mo Ranchen again, blushing, and abandoned all her shyness and reservedness.

In order to have delicious food all in the future, Jin Yinger gave it up!

"Husband, don't dislike me. If your husband is really worried, we can cook mature rice with rice. Your husband will be dissatisfied with Ying'er in the future, so it's not too late to abandon Ying'er!"

Jin Ying'er was in a hurry, so she was very powerful.

She is the princess of the Dragon Clan of the Heavenly Dragon Realm. Even if she is just a young girl dragon and has been hungry for so long, her strength is not covered.

Mo Ranchen didn't expect that she would come this way, and was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Mo Ranchen didn't know what expression to put on.

He tried to patiently reason with Jin Ying'er, but Jin Ying thought he was just going to abandon her, but didn't listen.

The noise made by the two awakened other dragons who were sleeping here.

The surrounding dragons woke up from their sleeping state, and countless cone-shaped mountains disappeared, replaced by a dragon of different colors.

When they saw Jin Ying'er appearing in a human form, they thought something had happened to her and turned into a human form.

The decorations of these dragons in human form are very exaggerated, like display stands for jewelry and hair ornaments.

Like Jin Ying'er, their faces were sickly pale, and they were obviously hungry.

When the group saw Jin Ying'er pounce and fell a man, they all had gossip eyes.

Ah, the princess is finally tempted!

A blond man with the most gorgeous decorations slowly stepped forward,

The blond man has bright golden eyes, and he can't ignore it.

"His Royal Highness."

All the dragons onlookers saw his arrival, and they all made a way to make way, with a respectful attitude.

"How is this going."

Jin Yu saw Jin Ying'er lying on Mo Ranchen's body indecently, and suddenly became furious.

"Ying'er, what are you doing, don't hurry up! The dignified princess of the Heavenly Dragon Realm, what is it like!"

After Jin Yu finished teaching Jin Ying'er, her eyes were like swords, shooting directly at Mo Ranchen.

"What are you doing in a daze? This man is bold enough to seduce the princess, so he should drag this man down and kill him soon!"

Today's update is complete...

Thank you for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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