Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1520: A poison called Jun Mohuang

Chapter 1520 A poison called Jun Mohuang

"Uh...well, five days is five days."

Jun Mohuang also knew why he suddenly had to increase the number of days.

Is the role between the two of them reversed?

This is the Nine Nether Realm, and Emperor Lingtian is the Devil Emperor of the Nine Nether Realm. Every day, countless witches wink at him and want to hook him.

Anyway, she should be jealous.

"Don't praise any other man in front of me!"

Di Lingtian held her arms tightly and solemnly emphasized.

A pair of blood eyes focused and fierce, and the temperature it brought up almost burned her.

"No, no, no, there will never be another time!"

Jun Mohuang hurriedly promised that he kissed him and his face was smooth.


Heavenly spirit world.

In the shrine’s garden, the flowers are clustered, and everything is so beautiful.

Luo Chen and the girl in white were sitting in the crystal pavilion drinking tea.

Luo Chen looked at the beautiful and immortal scenery in front of him, somewhat absent-minded.

It has been more than four months since I saw Jun Mohuang in the Bafang Profound Realm last time.

I don't know why, after meeting with her that time, Luo Chen always thought of her.

As small as a slight frown, Luo Chen remembered it clearly.

Luo Chen himself didn't know what kind of poison he was in, just wanted to miss her uncontrollably.

Now, this inexplicable toxin has begun to attack.

Luo Chen first thought that he had left an intermediate pharmacist secret book to Jun Mohuang.

She is so clever and talented in refining medicine, she should have learned half of the secret book he gave to the senior alchemist.

In this process, I must have encountered a lot of problems. In the white jade city and the nearby area, there is not a high-level alchemist.

She encountered a problem and couldn't find anyone to guide her. Wouldn't that delay her learning progress in refining medicine?

After she grows up to become a senior alchemist and comes to the Heavenly Spirit Realm to serve him, wouldn't it be delayed again?

Also, the last time he saw her disguised, what was her true face like?

It must be very beautiful, not even close to Huang'er, otherwise she would not hide her face...

Luo Chen was suddenly startled by the thoughts in his mind, and the tea cup in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

With a crisp "bang", the flawless white jade tea cup fell to the ground and broke to the ground.

The brown tea was splashed on the golden cloud brocade robe of Luo Chen Bai, which was particularly dazzling.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter with you? Are you too busy with political affairs and tired out?"

Opposite, the white-clothed girl looked at him with a little worry, a strong vigilance rose in her heart.

This kind of thing is no longer twice.

What was going on, since the last time he came back from Bafang Profound Realm, Luo Chen has always been absent-minded, and frequently distracted when he was with her.

In the past, he just stepped down, but this time he couldn't even hold the teacup in his hand firmly and splashed the tea on himself.

Luo Chen looked at the **** of the heavenly spirit world, the super-top powerhouse of Yuansheng Ninth-order Dzogchen.

Even if he accidentally knocks over the cup, will he not be able to avoid the tea in the cup?

Isn't it funny?

Luo Chen has things on his mind, and it is still very important, enough to make her dreams!

The white-clothed girl didn't know why, and she felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart for no reason.

"It's nothing, Huang'er, just thinking that a tricky matter in government affairs has not been dealt with."

Luo Chen felt warm when he heard the concerned words of the girl in white.

Today's update is complete...

(End of this chapter)

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