Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1500: Mom asks kneeling series 1

Chapter 1500 Mom Asks Kneeling Series 1

Soon someone began to refute.

The young refiner and several others still supported the Jun Mohuang Demon Race were speechless.

Of course they have no evidence, just based on their most intuitive judgment and trust in Di Lingtian.

Seeing that these minorities had nothing to say, the majority began to whisper again.

"My lord, we really don't have the right to talk about the identity of the Queen of Devil. But that woman has half of the spirit blood. This is too dangerous and we have to guard against it."

"My lord, unless you can produce evidence to prove that she is indeed not the undercover agent of the spirit race, even if the emperor kills us, all the demons in the entire Nine Nether Realm will not accept it!"

"Yes, we are not satisfied!"

"Unacceptable or unacceptable!"

"You see, even if the Red Capital all appear, they can't do anything to this group of demons."

Mu Yaoyao looked at Han Yiyi, her tone full of pride.

To prove to these demons civilians that Jun Mohuang is not an undercover agent in the Heavenly Spirit Realm and does not have any bad thoughts on Emperor Lingtian. This is really too difficult.

Let these people know that Jun Mohuang slaughtered all the demon girls in all aspects, it was useless.

After all, the more powerful people are, the more likely they are to be undercover agents, right?

Killing these people is even more useless.

There are so many demons civilians in the Nine Nether Realm, and it is impossible for the Emperor to kill all demonic civilians.

Unless, Chi Chi can show the image of Emperor Mohuang who was in the mirror world at the time, regardless of his own life, but also to get the image of the heart of the water mirror for the emperor.

It's a pity that Jun Mohuang only has the dialogue in the sound transmission jade talisman, and there is no image at all.

Dialogue or something can be faked later, without any credibility at all.

In this world, the only things that no one can change are the images recorded by the shadow spar.

"Hmph, since you want evidence, I will give you all the evidence so you can be convinced!"

Chi Chi sneered, and while waving his palm, a huge aura screen suddenly appeared beside him.

The Aura screen is transparent and shakes slightly like water waves.

Everyone is unknown so, looking at this aura screen.

Chi Chi took out a light blue spar and smashed it, and a sacrificial platform with a height of 100 meters immediately appeared on the aura screen.

In the center of the sacrificial platform, a transparent heart is suspended in the air.

The transparent heart beats slowly, and a group of demons from the eight families stand around.

"This... how is this possible!"

Seeing this scene on the transparent screen, Mu Yaoyao couldn't help but step back several steps.

The only thing in the realm before was the voice carved by them with the sound transmission jade talisman. Chi Chi didn't take out any shadow spar under the sacrificial stage. Where did this image come from!

"This...what happened at that time, how can there be an image!"

Han Yiyi was also very surprised.

Mu Yaoyao saw this video broadcast continuously, and her mind was turning quickly.

This image must be the work of Emperor Zun.

The emperor unexpectedly even expected this, so she sent someone to search for Jun Mohuang in the magic city before, and wanted to kill her;

She just sent people everywhere to tell the real identity of the commoner Monarch Mo Phoenix, and sent people to instigate them to come to the Demon Palace. The Emperor must have expected it too.

It turned out that she thought she was smart, and no one knew all of this, but she had long been seen through by the emperor.

A sense of crisis arose in Mu Yaoyao's heart.

Regardless of reminding Han Yiyi next to her, she wanted to turn around and leave as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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