Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1498: The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 3

Chapter 1498 The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 3

"Huh, what do we need to worry about? The emperor has never had a woman before. He must have been confused by her rhetoric."

"That's right, she is half a member of the Spirit Race, deliberately approaching the Emperor, there must be some conspiracy!"

"Yes, she must be an undercover agent from the Celestial Spirit Realm!"

"No way, no, I can't see that Emperor Zun was deceived like this. We all immediately went to the magic palace to petition, so that Emperor Zun should not get close to that woman!"

"Yes, yes, without further ado, let's go to the magic palace immediately!"

These demons respect and worship Emperor Lingtian, so it is hard to see that Emperor Lingtian will be deceived and hurt at all.

With a look of death at home, he immediately spontaneously headed to the magic palace.

The young refiner was worried when he saw the crowd swarming toward the magic palace.

He squeezed his fist and his eyes became firm again.

He absolutely didn't believe that Miss Red Sister was undercover or conspiracy from the Spirit Race as those people said.

No, he must follow up and see, lest these people say anything rude to Miss Red Sister.

The young refiner took a step forward and also walked in the direction of the magic palace.

The demons who are dissatisfied with Jun Mohuang in their hearts are more than this wave.

Soon, the large square in front of the Demon Palace was crowded with demons.

"Di Zun, that woman has half the blood of the spirit race, and her mind is not pure to be with you, the Emperor should never be fooled by her!"

"Di Zun, that woman is an undercover agent sent by the Heavenly Spirit Realm. She must have conspiracy and tricks. She wants to harm the Emperor and our Nine Nether Realms..."

These demons knelt down neatly and uniformly, and even the calls for Emperor Lingtian not to continue to be with Jun Mohuang were extremely neat.

"What nonsense, the queen is not that kind of person, is there any evidence for you to slander the queen like this!"

Seeing this situation a year ago, the refiner ran to the front of the crowd and retorted loudly.

But when others show weakness, their voices will soon be submerged in the voices of other demons.

"You Yao, you still have a way."

In the dark, the gray-headed Han Yiyi watched this scene, with expressions of relief on his face.

That's right, it was Mu Yaoyao's idea to disclose the true identity of Jun Mohuang to these demons.

Otherwise, the demons would never know all this so quickly.

Han Yiyi himself had not had time to compete with Jun Mohuang this time, but the Han family behind her was also expelled from the City of Ten Thousand Demons by Emperor Lingtian this time.

The reason was that the Han family had chased and killed Jun Mohuang in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Mu Yaoyao beside Han Yiyi squinted her eyes and said nothing.

"You Yao, how much influence will this have on Jun Mo Phoenix?"

Of course Han Yiyi would not be naive enough to think that relying on these demons civilians, Jun Mohuang could be pulled down.

These demons do not have this kind of energy, which can change Emperor Lingtian’s expulsion.

But before being kicked out, it was good to be able to add some blockage to Jun Mohuang.

"The emperor loves Jun Mohuang that **** so much, it won't have much influence."

Mu Yaoyao's face had been beaten into a pig's head by those witches.

She wore a veil to hide the scars on her face, but she couldn't hide the crazy jealousy and distortion in her eyes.

"However, Jun Mohuang will always carry the undercover in the heavenly spirit world, and follow the emperor to smear the reputation of being unruly!"

Mu Yaoyao clenched her fists.

Humph, Jun Mohuang is crushing her in all aspects, what about slinging her.

Emperor Zun and Jun Mohuang couldn't produce proof that she was not an undercover agent in the heavenly spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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