Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1496: The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 1

Chapter 1496 The fanatical worship of Jun Mohuang 1

"Empress, you must rest well."

The refiners nodded suddenly.

"Queen, Queen, let's ask a question. Without delaying your time, how did you see that Miss Tong's resurrection pill had so many problems, Master Qing did not see so many."

The pharmacists were unwilling to show weakness, and immediately rushed to the edge of the barrier.

This question has troubled them for a while, but Jun Mohuang didn't finish the trial before, and they didn't dare to ask more.

"This is very simple, the pill told me."

Jun Mohuang possesses the power of induction, and when her induction power is injected into the resurrection pill, she traces the origin to the source and immediately notices everything that Miss Tong made while refining the resurrection pill.

She even knows the environment for planting medicinal materials and handling medicinal materials.

"Wow, this kind of acuity to pill medicine is too powerful!"

The alchemists were once again amazed.

Jun Mohuang could even perceive this very quickly, how powerful and abnormal her mental power is!

"Empress, we are finished asking, you go back and rest soon."

"Empress, you must rest well and keep your body safe."

"The queen will not have to worry that similar problems will reappear in the future. Whoever dares not recognize the identity of the queen in the future, I will beat one to death when I see one!"

Not only the refiners, the Qin Ji and the pharmacists, but also many demons who still recognized Jun Mohuang were very concerned about her body.

What a joke, the Queen is another hope for their Nine Nether World Realm's strength.

After pleasing the demons, she will teach them various more advanced refining tools, medicine refining and piano skills.

There was a premonition in their hearts that the arrival of Jun Mohuang could at least improve the three aspects of the Nine Nether World.

Di Lingtian took Jun Mohuang with him, and would soon disappear above the main hall.

Master Qing saw the disappearance of the two, stood up, and finally sat down again.

In front of Master Qing, Miss Tong was crying.

"Master, you must help the disciple, and ask Master to let the disciple stay with Master."

Master Qing is in the Nine Nether World Realm. If he goes to the Emperor to beg for mercy, the Emperor will most likely agree.

She didn't want to leave the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and didn't want to lose her noble status.

"Tonger, you go."

Master Qing sighed.

He was also very reluctant to bear this disciple, but there is any way, this is the order of the emperor.

Master Qing also wanted to go to Jun Mohuang to ask questions about refining medicine.

He had a hunch that Jun Mohuang would surprise and inspire him with regard to refining medicine.

If he is helping Miss Tong now, don't even think of getting the chance to meet Jun Mohuang.

Miss Tong cried and had to withdraw.

After chaos in the hall for a while, one after another Patriarch's heart was ashamed, returned to their respective families, began to pack their belongings, and leave the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

On this day, in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, there was a grand occasion of many families leaving at the same time.

In the City of Ten Thousand Demons, countless commoners of the demons in teahouses and restaurants are talking excitedly about the Emperor Mohuang.

It is nothing more than all kinds of praise for how beautiful Jun Mohuang is, and lament that the emperor finally has a girl he likes, and so on.

These families packed a car of belongings and left at the same time, and they immediately caught their attention.

"What's going on with these big families? These big bags and taxis seem to be moving."

"Are they crazy? These families have an identity and status in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. Why do they want to move? And these families are still together!"

Today is updated...

Thank you Purple Rainy Season, your bandit, Edith and other babies for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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