Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1487: Emperor Lingtian's choice 1

Chapter 1487 Di Lingtian's Choice 1

Mu Yaoyao's eyes were bloodshot. After she finished speaking, she suddenly flicked her sleeves.

A transparent trunk appeared in front of Jun Mohuang.

The root of this transparent tree has the thickness of an adult's wrist and is about one meter long.

There are three crystal clear roots on the trunk, and the transparent roots of the little finger are the roots of the water mirror.

Jun Mohuang looked at the three water mirror spiritual roots and raised his brow slightly.

Oh, this Mu Yaoyao, besides knowing that she writhes on the railings of the deck, throws shoes and cloth pieces, and makes small actions behind her back to encourage these witches to deal with her.

Actually dared to grab her work.

In the audience, all the demons looked at the transparent branches and the five water mirror roots that suddenly appeared, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

Their expression of surprise was just a little weaker when they saw Jun Mohuang make a one-centimeter-wide Dan pattern.

"My God! What I saw, it turned out to be Shuijing Linggen!"

One person covered his mouth in disbelief.

A demon rubbed his eyes several times in a row: "Gosh, my eyes are not dazzling, they are indeed the roots of the water mirror!"

A demon clan asked cautiously: "Miss Demon, these three water mirror roots were cultivated by Miss Demon herself?"


Mu Yaoyao nodded, her tone full of pride.

"My God, Miss Yao Yao has figured out how to cultivate the water mirror spiritual root in the Nine Nether Realm! This is too powerful!"

"Miss Demon is the idol of all our demons!"

"We want to be Miss Yaoyao's brain fans for life!"

The Shui Jing Ling roots are too delicate and delicate, and are most unaffected by the devilish pollution.

It's not that they haven't tried to cultivate the water mirror spiritual roots in the Nine Nether World, but they all failed without exception.

But Mu Yaoyao succeeded in surmounting all difficulties, she did what all of them could not do.

Patriarch Mu was also very shocked, because he didn't know about it before.

Many demon youths present began to cheer Mu Yaoyao in various ways.

The shock in his heart did not last long, and his heart was replaced by ecstasy.

Hahahahaha, his precious daughter is amazing, and she successfully cultivated the water mirror spiritual root without saying a word!

It was all right now, the Mu family no longer risked being driven out of the City of Ten Thousand Demons by the Emperor.

What refining equipment, refining medicine, Talisman's three cultivation, his precious daughter is much better than Jun Mohuang!

Jun Mohuang wanted to be the position of the future queen of the Nine Nether World, so he also asked his precious daughter whether he agreed with it!

"Hmph, Jun Mohuang, I didn't expect it!"

Mu Yao Yao's gorgeous face regained her absolute self-confidence.

The tone has also become proud again, and it is high.

"I admit, your refining techniques, your piano skills, and your appearance are really impressive. But no matter how powerful you are."

"I can cultivate the water mirror spiritual roots, but you can't. My water mirror spiritual roots can suppress or even cure the dark wounds of the emperor, can your one-centimeter wide golden pattern pill."

Mu Yaoyao looked at Jun Mohuang with a provocative smile on her lips.

Any golden pill that is one centimeter wide, compared with her water mirror spirit root, is a flashy thing.

After all, only Shui Jing Linggen can cure Emperor Zun's dark wounds.

"The emperor, the ministers have worked so hard, and it took a lot of hard work and time to cultivate the water mirror spiritual root for the emperor."

Mu Yaoyao ignored Jun Mohuang and looked up at Emperor Lingtian above Luang Seat.

Excitement, pride and obvious shyness appeared on her face one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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