Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1484: Shocked the audience 2

Chapter 1484 Shocked the audience 2

Her words immediately caused all the alchemists in the hall to explode.

"Well, I have a pill that can replenish mental strength in time when I take it. You take this pill and practice counting your pill fire with your mental strength."

Jun Mohuang gave each of these pharmacists ten rejuvenating pills.

This kind of rejuvenating pill was improved by her based on a small amount of replenishing spiritual pill in the secrets of the junior alchemist.

After taking it, it can replenish mental power greatly, long-term, and continuously.

"Thank you for the Queen's reward."

The pharmacists happily accepted Jun Mohuang's pill, and instantly understood what Jun Mohuang meant.

Their mental power can't resist the burning of their own pill fire, and if the quality is not enough, the quantity will be collected.

After long-term practice, their mental power can become very sensitive to the elements of fire in the pill fire.

In more than ten years, I will definitely be able to achieve the level of Jun Mohuang.

The group of pharmacists took the medicine, returned to their seats, and couldn't wait to take them immediately.

The pill entered the throat, and the whole person's mental power became agitated.

They noticed that their mental power had gone from being agitated to fullness, their minds were turning very fast, and their condition was very good.

It seems that there is an endless stream of mental power in the mind, which is endless and continuous.

Well, the pill that was refined by the Queen of Devil to replenish mental power was more than ten times more effective than the similar pill of their Nine Nether World.

With such abundant mental power, it was finally not afraid that his pill fire would burn his mental power.

These alchemists immediately devoted themselves to the practice of counting the number of fire elements in the pill fire.

"Let's continue."

Jun Mohuang looked at Miss Tong who didn't say a word.

She only talked about three aspects, and there are still a lot of things left.

Finally, at a young age, Jun Mohuang pointed out all the shortcomings of this resurrection pill refined by Miss Tong.

While pointing out the shortcomings of this resurrection pill, she modified the pill in her own way.

As Jun Mohuang changed the pill again and again, the golden pattern on the body of this resurrection pill had reached the width of one centimeter.

"Have you seen it? This is the perfect state that the Resurrection Pill should have."

Jun Mohuang took the resurrection pill that she had changed many times in his hand, and looked at the miserable Miss Tong opposite.

"The resurrection pill you cultivate is just getting started."

"I... I surrendered."

What else could Miss Tong say? She couldn't say anything, so she could only admit defeat.

The one-centimeter wide golden pattern pill, she would not be able to refine it in her life if she killed her.

On this basis, she will definitely lose.

Not to mention that the shortcomings of her pill that Jun Mohuang pointed out did exist, and even her Master Qing recognized it.

Jun Mohuang and her are basically people of two different dimensions in refining medicine.

She would never be able to catch up with Jun Mohuang's medicine refining level.

Miss Tong stepped down dingyly.

Some demons present, including the alchemists before, couldn't say a word.

They originally thought that the five-millimeter pattern was already the limit.

As a result, Jun Mohuang turned his back and corrected them with a one-centimeter wide pattern.

This... this is too incredible.

Refining weapon, talisman, refining plenary meeting, a non-level weapon can even cut off a three-star artifact.

A two-millimeter-wide golden pattern resurrection pill, she was stunned to make a one-centimeter-wide pill pattern.

They had never heard of what happened to Jun Mohuang.

(End of this chapter)

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