Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1478: Specializing in all kinds of dissatisfaction, refining medicine 1

Chapter 1478 Specializes in curing all kinds of dissatisfaction, refining medicine 1

"Fifty-six kinds of medicinal materials, you really have no problem with 54 of them. The problem lies in the two immortal plants, the whispering ice and fire mushroom."

"You bullshit! When I dealt with the whispering ice and fire mushrooms, the respected master was there to guide you throughout the whole process, and in the end even the respected master said that I handled it very well. Although it is not perfect, there is absolutely no possibility of flaws."

Miss Tong jumped immediately as if she had been insulted.

These two immortal plants came from the medicinal garden of the magic palace, and they were rewards from the emperor to his family.

She admired the emperor so much, how could she deal with the immortal plant that the emperor rewarded casually.

In Miss Tong's view, Jun Mohuang was insulting her feelings for Emperor Zun!

"Miss Jun, Tonger has absolutely no flaws when dealing with Posao Binghuozhi. This old lady dares to use her character and reputation to guarantee."

Master Qing is still standing with his disciple.

He personally supervised Miss Tong, he can guarantee that Miss Tong's handling methods have not made any mistakes.

There is no such thing as the fault that Jun Mohuang said.


"Master Qing said that it does not exist, it must be false."

"Jun Mohuang criticized Miss Tong's medicinal pill in one breath, and she was lucky enough to say one item correctly, and I couldn't tell the rest, so she started to make up."

Master Qing's words caused the demons in the hall to start whispering discussions.

"Is it."

Jun Mohuang was unmoved by these words, his slender fingers knotted.

In the next moment, the three Tumiao flowers in Miss Tong's hair automatically appeared in the palm of her hand.

Of these two small flowers, only the fingernails are red, showing a **** red color.

The people in the hall were astonished. Jun Mohuang said the problem of the medicinal materials treatment method. How did she suddenly remove the two flowers from Miss Tong's hair.

"At that time, you had two small flowers pinned in your hair when you were handling the whispering ice fire mushroom under the guidance of Master Qing.

Jun Mohuang lowered his head and looked at these two little flowers.

The petals are densely scattered, and the center of the flower does not have a stamen like an ordinary flower.

This kind of small flower is directly all blood red petals.

After she said these words, Master Qing's original confident face changed slightly.

But he changed his mind to think, it's okay, it's just two flowers.

This kind of flower has no medicinal effect, and it will not have any effect on Po Suo Binghuozhi.

"This kind of flower can be seen everywhere in the Nine Netherworld Realm. It is very ordinary. What does wearing two of these flowers in my hair have to do with my handling of medicinal materials! Jun Mohuang, don't change the focus!"

Miss Tong was unhappy when she saw the two tea flowers in her hair were removed.

The eyes of this flower were red like blood, very similar to the eyes of Emperor Zun.

With these two flowers, she can comfort herself in her heart, and the emperor will be with her anytime, anywhere.

Jun Mohuang said: "When you were dealing with that whispering ice fire mushroom, the pollen of these two flowers fell into these two fairy plants, polluting their medicinal effects."

"Hahaha, Jun Mohuang, Tudihua has no medicinal effect at all! There is no such thing as pollen, this is common sense that everyone in the entire Nine Nether World knows!"

Miss Tong laughed suddenly, as if hearing a big joke.

"Look, I said she was talking nonsense, now she is showing her feet!"

"Oh, nonsense, I don't know how to be accurate, and I still make this kind of common sense mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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