Chapter 1472

A genius with three kinds of auxiliary occupations, this kind of perverted evildoer, except for the emperor, does not exist at all!

"I come!"

Therefore, the witch with the highest attainments in refining medicine among the group of witches walked directly to the opposite side of Jun Mohuang.

"Jun Mohuang, this young lady is the most powerful alchemist among all the demon girls in the Nine Nether Realm. This young lady is already an advanced pharmacist. You will definitely not be this young lady's opponent!"

This demon girl looked at Jun Mohuang arrogantly.

"Yes, yes, it's what you say, stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

Jun Mohuang was a little speechless in his heart, why the two opening remarks were all in this tone, whether it was troublesome or not.

"Huh, winning the first few times is just good luck, this time there will be no good luck!"

The pharmacist demon girl sat down, snorted disdainfully, and began to take out various medicinal materials to prepare for the medicine.

This time the competition with Jun Mohuang had been determined before.

In terms of refining medicine, the two people competed with medicinal pills to treat injuries.

The effect of this kind of pill is best judged and discerned. It is only necessary to draw a knife and exactly the same hole on the same person to judge which is better.

Jun Mohuang also took out the medicinal materials he wanted to deal with, and started preliminary treatment.

After half an hour.

The demon **** the opposite side opened her medicine cauldron, and a tempting pill fragrant.

A brown pill flew out of the tripod.

Dan has a golden Dan pattern about two millimeters wide.

The demon girl is now afraid that the pill will be exposed to the air for a long time, which will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Immediately take out the white jade bottle and seal the pill immediately.

"It's actually the essence of recovery pill!"

"It's amazing. Miss Tong is less than twenty years old, and she can train the essence version that other pharmacists have been unable to refine for hundreds of years."

Below, many demons saw the pill and began to praise this demonic girl's alchemy skills.

All the medicines, except for some extremely special medicines, such as the Water Mirror Spirit Pills, are all ten pills in a pot.

If the alchemist doesn't control the heat well, the phenomenon of pill explosion will easily occur during the refining process.

But this tripod medicine of Miss Tong was an exception.

This refining method of concentrating all the effects of ten pills on one pill is the so-called essence version of the pill.

One pill is worth the efficacy of ten pill.

This essence version of the pill has very high requirements for heat and is very difficult to refine.

This Miss Tong was able to develop an elite version of the pill, which is indeed very remarkable.

"Miss Tong, I am willing to test the medicine for Miss Tong's pill!"

Before Miss Tong could speak, a demon youth rushed out and ran onto the stage, looking at her with admiration.

Obviously, this young man is the suitor of Miss Tong.

"Well, then I will trouble you."

"Hey, no trouble, no trouble, it's my honor to serve Miss Tong!"

When the young man finished speaking, he took out a dagger and cut the artery on his wrist with a knife.

The next moment, blood spurted out like a fountain.

The aorta is severed, and if the bleeding is not stopped in time, he will lose too much blood and die soon.

Miss Tong immediately took out the freshly refined resurrection pill from the white jade bottle, crushed it, and sprinkled the powder on his wound.

The wound of this demon youth healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After five seconds, the bleeding was completely stopped, and after another twenty seconds, the skin on the wrist of this demon youth was as clean as new, with no trace of cuts.

(End of this chapter)

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