Chapter 1470

This demon girl speaks of her achievements with a more proud tone.

"In other words, you have just entered the threshold of a junior runemaster from an apprentice talisman?"

This time, Jun Mohuang didn't hold back his laugh.

It's not that she laughed low, forgive her, she really couldn't help it.

Aiwu and Wu, because of Emperor Lingtian, Jun Mohuang had no intention of underestimating the Nine Nether Realms.

On the contrary, she thought that the demons of the Nine Nether World were very powerful in all aspects.

Although Jin Ling'er, who was refining the device just now, lost to her, it also proved it from the side.

The witch on the field said she was so powerful, Jun Mohuang at least thought she was at least an intermediate rune master.

The result... is just a rookie who has just crossed the threshold of a junior talisman, not even as good as her.

During the ten days in the black flying boat, under the instruction of Emperor Lingtian himself, Jun Mohuang was able to learn amulets very fast.

She has learned all the rune pens of the junior rune master and all the rune combinations of the rune pen drawing.

The most powerful talisman among the younger generation of the Nine Nether Realm, is this powerful technique? !

"What's wrong with the junior rune master, don't look down on people, you don't even know the junior rune master, you don't know how to rune at all!"

Seeing Jun Mohuang's disapproval attitude, the demon girl instantly became furious.

It is very difficult for the demons of the Nine Netherworld to learn runes, and there is not one in a million demons with a talent for runes.

She began to awaken her talent in rune skills at the age of seven. After 13 years of hard work, she finally became a junior rune master.

Other demons with a talent for runes may not be able to learn the first five rune strokes of the primary rune book for 100 years.

So this demon girl is very proud of her achievements.

This Jun Mohuang, she couldn't feel the unique rejuvenating energy fluctuations in her as a talisman or apprentice.

He didn't know anything about spells, so he dared to laugh at her, and he didn't put her in his eyes!

"Well, what you say is nothing, you say I won't, I just won't."

Jun Mohuang didn't want to waste time with her.

She directly took out a blank jade pendant from the space ring, and then took out the rune pen.

Brushing, the aura flows out through the rune pen, and after a few seconds, she will engrave the runes she wants.

Jun Mohuang locked the demon girl with his aura and crushed the jade charm that had just been painted.

The next moment, the space around the demon girl appeared aura fluctuations.

A transparent fist made of aura suddenly appeared and punched the demon girl in the heart.

The demon girl was directly shot and flew out and fell to the bottom in embarrassment.

"Next person."

Jun Mohuang patted the jade pendant fragments on his hands, and did not even glance at the demon girl.

The audience was in an uproar.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind at this time... Jun Mohuang, she is still a talisman!

Her refining technique has shocked their hearts, but she didn't expect her to be more powerful.

They don't know much about talisman, but seeing her paint a jade talisman with a few strokes, this speed and proficiency are enough to kill any intermediate senior talisman in the Nine Nether World.

Possessing the dual talents of a Talisman and a Refining Master, the Talisman and Refining Master have double cultivation.

Her performance in refining weapons and runes is particularly dazzling...

This kind of genius, I'm afraid I can't find it at all in the Nine Nether World.

In the main hall, some demons looked at Jun Mohuang, their eyes already showing worship.

The eyes of the emperor really were extremely good.

(End of this chapter)

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