Chapter 1467

Only the central string remains.

"What the **** is she doing!"

"The strings are all broken, there is only one left, how can I play it?"

Jun Mohuang's act of picking and breaking the strings instantly aroused discussions among the people around him.

"I don't know, does she want to play the piano with this string?"

"What can a string play? Sister Yuxue's tune is complicated and changeable. Jun Mohuang knows that he has lost it, so he is playing mystery and grandstanding!"

Said a witch who was also Qin Ji.

One string can only pluck a few notes, not to mention the tune that Yuxue Qinji played just now, even simple tunes can't be played.

This is basic common sense!

In the confusion and contempt of everyone, Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and flicked the only remaining string.

"You! Give me back my piano!"

Seeing that there was only one string left on her piano, Yuxue Qinji glared and stared at Jun Mohuang angrily.

This piano was her weapon, her beloved thing, it was cut off by Jun Mohuang like this and only one string remained.

Jun Mohuang knew that he couldn't win, so he destroyed her piano and vented

Yuxue Qinji was very distressed and very angry.

Jun Mohuang ignored her.

Her hand plucking the strings suddenly changed, and her fingers fluttered.

A familiar sound of the piano came out from the only remaining string under Jun Mohuang's playing.

It was the piece that Yuxue Qinji played just now.

The **** used by Jun Mohuang is also the **** of Yuxue Qinji.

Both the tune and the **** are exactly the same, perfectly reproduced.

"This... how is this possible!"

Yuxue Qinji and everyone present looked like a ghost, staring at Jun Mohuang's hands and the only remaining string.

One string plays such a complicated tune...

This is simply not in line with common sense!

But they soon didn't have any surprises or extra energy to think about how she did it.

The sound of Jun Mohuang's piano is like a sharp blade, piercing the heart of everyone present.

As the layers of piano sound spread out, the scene in front of each demons in the hall suddenly changed.

The scene in front of them was no longer the main hall of the magic palace, but came to the real battlefield.

On the battlefield, the demon army lay millions of corpses, blood flowing thousands of miles.

The demon army was defeated.

On the battlefield, only a few hundred demons remained.

On the opposite side, millions of Spirit Race armies are rushing towards them.

Can't wait to take up the weapon immediately, summon the spiritual power, and fight the enemy who does not exist on the opposite side.

The gap is so great that every Demon Race can't help but turn red, breathe quickly, and sweat dripping from his forehead.

They want to retreat, they want to escape.

The gap in military strength is too great, and there is no hope of victory at all.

But there was a sound of piano that lingered in the ears, and the sound of the piano went straight to the bottom of my heart, violently, and instantly ignited the warlike blood in their bodies.

The militant blood, the unwillingness to yield, the unwillingness to surrender the soul, are roaring in a frantic noise.


Some of them yelled, all the demons took out their weapons, summoned the spirit power, and took the initiative to face the spirit tribe army.

All demons have forgotten life and death, even if they have been scarred, even if they have been pierced with arrows.

Even if the number of the opponent is thousands of times that of the own.

At the last moment of their lives, they are proud and proud.

They have achieved the highest glory as the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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