Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1461: Perverted, terrible woman

Chapter 1461 Abnormal, Terrible Woman

Who on earth is she, how can the weapon she trains every time, one blow can chop off Jin Linger's refinement.

In the second to fifth test between the two, all the Patriarch and the Alchemist paid all their attention to Jun Mohuang, and detected whether she had any tricks or not.

Facts have proved that Jun Mohuang has always been purely refining tools.

Otherwise, she really didn't do anything.

In other words, Jun Mohuang's ability to win depends on her true ability.

Didn't it mean that women with double bloodlines had poor cultivation talents, and couldn't have any talents for refining medicine, refining tools, and talisman.

Why is Jun Mohuang's talent for refining medicine so powerful.

No, it's not just awesome, it's just abnormal.

Where did Emperor Zun find such a terrifying woman?

"no no!"

Jin Ling'er looked at the five various weapons that had been chopped off underground, and was on the verge of collapse.

"You lose, next one."

It took five hours to spend five hours with Jin Yan'er, it was almost midnight, and Jun Mohuang was not very interested in continuing to refine the equipment.

She knocked on the table and started chasing people.

"No, no, this lady still doesn't believe it! Emperor Zun, please give the courtier another chance!"

Jin Linger suddenly thought that if she lost, the Jin family would not be able to step into the world of demons for generations.

She would never see Di Lingtian in her entire life.

Jin Linger didn't want to admit defeat. She didn't want her family to be implicated by her. She wanted to stay in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. She wanted to see Di Lingtian every day.

Therefore, she must not admit defeat.

"Enough. Huang'er and Jin Linger's match, Jin Linger lost."

Di Lingtian flicked his sleeves, a tyrannical, irresistible aura, directly swept Jin Linger down the high platform.

The Patriarch of the Jin family and the Jin family both looked ugly, and quickly stepped forward to help Jin Ling'er up.

"Father, what should I do, the daughter actually lost to Jun Mohuang, which hurt the family..."

Jin Ling'er lay and cried loudly in the arms of the head of the Jin family.

From her birth to the present, in the past sixteen years, she hasn't beaten her peers in the refinery, and even some refiners with more experience than her are no longer a problem.

This time when she was beaten by Jun Mohuang, Jin Linger couldn't accept this cruel fact.

Even the family can't accept that they lose and the family will be exhausted.

"My Patriarch is not talented, come here to ask Miss Jun's craftsmanship."

The head of the Jin family patted Jin Ling'er on the back and suddenly strode onto the high platform.

The actions of the head of the Jin family changed the expressions of many people present.

Jun Mohuang was about the same age as Jin Ling'er, and the two of them tried to see whose refining level was higher and who was lower. This was completely reasonable.

But the heads of the Jin family are already three or four hundred years old, so they will compete with Jun Mohuang...

The result still needs to be said, it must be the Jin Family Patriarch who won.

First, the age difference lies there, and second, the head of the Jin family is a three-star artifact refiner, who can train a weapon at random, which is a three-star artifact.

To target Jun Mohuang for the sake of her daughter, it was too demeaned.

"Jin Chikun, are you the woman who wants to bully the deity?"

Di Ling's **** eyes condensed coldly.

"Emperor, the subordinates dare not. The subordinates have no other meaning, but admire Miss Jun's skill in refining, and want to observe and learn from Miss Jun through a competition."

The head of the Jin family immediately bowed down to Emperor Lingtian respectfully.

On the one hand, he has been obsessed with refining tools in his life, and it has been close to three hundred years before he has achieved his current achievements.

(End of this chapter)

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