Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1455: Treat all kinds of dissatisfaction: Refining equipment 2

Chapter 1455 Special treatment of all kinds of dissatisfaction: Refining Chapter 2

Jun Mohuang took the various refining materials placed in the center by moving objects in the air, and stopped continuing to take them until his table was about to fit.

Then, beyond everyone's expectations.

Jun Mohuang took out the paper and pen, placed one hand on these refining materials, closing his eyes and feeling one by one.

I opened my eyes again every ten seconds, and my other hand was writing something on the paper.

"What the **** is Jun Mohuang doing?"

"She seems to distinguish the various attributes and functions of these refining materials one by one..."

"It seems that she doesn't even know the purpose of these refining materials."

"My God, no, she didn't even know the basic common sense of what these refining materials can do for a long time, and she still has the courage to test refining tools with Miss Linger..."

"With this courage, the Patriarch doesn't know what to say."

All the demons who followed Jun Mohuang's actions, seeing her inducing metal and lifting a pen to write, felt speechless.

It has to be how confident you are, or how stupid you are, to do this kind of thing.

Jin Linger is a master at refining refining tools, no matter how talented Jun Mohuang is, no matter how talented Jun Mohuang is, no matter how talented the Emperor is, he cannot win!

"Hmph, swollen face to fill up the fat man, for the sake of face, even the brain is lost."

"This time in the competition with Miss Ling'er, Jun Mohuang is determined to lose. Let's wait for Jun Mohuang to lose face!"

Seeing this situation, the demon girls began to laugh at Jun Mohuang unscrupulously in their hearts.

Seeing this situation, some of the onlookers began to shake their heads.

Not only did she not know the attribute parameters of various refining materials, she couldn't sense anything in ten seconds.

Each spar ore has its own protective layer on the surface and inside.

Whether it is a human race, a demon race, a beast race, or a spirit race in this world, it is impossible to penetrate the protective layer in such a short time and study their attributes clearly.

She must be making up and writing up and down.

Even more so that the refiners couldn't accept it, just to make up and write things together to deal with the scene.

Can you keep it in your mind? I can't even remember this point, but I have to keep it on paper.

It can be seen how bad Jun Mohuang's memory is.

Poor memory means that she can't remember the reaction principles of dozens of raw materials.

Unable to control the situation of Dingzhong's weapons in time.

With this kind of qualification, he didn't even have the qualification to become a refiner.

But Jun Mohuang vowed to compete with Miss Ling'er. Isn't this a nonsense.

They really want to break their heads and don’t understand why the emperor would like this kind of mindless

At this time, Jun Mohuang, who was laughed at by the demons, was serious and focused, completely immersed in his own world.

These demons actually guessed well, she really didn't know the attributes and parameters of the refining materials in front of her.

It is impossible to use these refining materials for refining in the first place.

The geographical situation of the Nine Nether Underworld and the Bafang Profound Realm and the Cangyuan Continent are quite different.

Most of the ore types produced were different from the ones she had caught before.

Jun Mohuang must use the specific attributes and parameters of these raw materials before he can refine.

It is almost impossible to quickly figure out the attributes and parameters of the raw materials of the refining device with a black eye.

But with Jun Mohuang, everything is very simple.

Inject the induction force into it, and after ten seconds, she will get the various attribute parameters of this raw material in detail and completely.

(End of this chapter)

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