Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1425: Calling crazy for Miss Red Sister

Chapter 1425 Crazy calling for Miss Red Sister

"That's natural."

Mu Yaoyao's exquisite jaw was full of confidence in her tone.

She is called the No. 1 beauty of the Demon Race for her coquettish and gorgeous, this name is not for nothing.

It's not like Jun Mohuang's kind of woman who wants to have a body without a figure, and a woman who has no appearance.

"You Yao, take a good rest and put on some makeup. Today, you must make Jun Mohuang a big embarrassment in front of all the demon nobles, and let her go to the City of Ten Thousand Demons on the first day. Points are falling in your heart."

Mu Yaoyao said, "Don't worry, father."

"Okay, my father is gone."

Patriarch Mu left his daughter's room with twelve points of relief.

"You Yao, you are so beautiful."

Han Yiyi looked at the long skirts all over the room and at the radiant Mu Yaoyao, unable to hide his envy.

What she envied was not that Mu Yaoyao had so many brocade clothes to choose from.

It's just a pile of clothes, she has what Han Yiyi has.

What she envied was that Mu Yaoyao is still one of the eight big families, the identity of Miss Mu's daughter.

Relying on this status, Mu Yaoyao was very difficult to become a queen, but the resistance was much smaller than her own.

Regardless of whether she will marry Di Lingtian in the future, she can live a wonderful life.

And her Han Yiyi used to have the same identity as Mu Yaoyao.

It’s all to blame on that Emperor Mohuang, causing the Han family to be downgraded to three levels by the emperor, making the Han family one

Her status also plummeted.

Relying on her current status, even if she had the bloodline of Nine Nether Realms second only to Emperor Lingtian in purity, it would be difficult to become a demon queen.

So Han Yiyi is now both envious and jealous of Mu Yaoyao.

"Yiyi, you must not feel discouraged and hopeful because your family was demoted by Jun Mohuang.

"You are now the only person in the Nine Nether Realm who can refine the water mirror spirit pill, and your temperament is so noble and refined, the Emperor will be impressed with you today."

Mu Yaoyao took Han Yiyi's hand, came to the floor mirror, and said in a bewitching tone.

Han Yiyi in the mirror wears a pure white silk robe without any frills.

The pure white long skirt brings Han Yiyi's high above, non-cannibalistic temperament to the extreme.

"You Yao, you really don't plan to ask for Water Spirit Orbs, you want to give me this rare opportunity?"

Han Yiyi regained his confidence in his eyes.

Mu Yao Yao is sufficiently coquettish and gorgeous, and the other demons in the Nine Nether Realm have their own

But in terms of noble and refined temperament, no one can compare to her Han Yiyi.

Only her temperament can be worthy of God's respect.

"Of course, we are good sisters, and I can't bear to see you being so harmed by Jun Mohuang and I have no power to fight back."

"But Yiyi, don't be busy moving first. I won't give up on the emperor. You and I are still rivals in love."

"This is natural. Yaoyao, although we are in love with rivals, our current goal is Jun Mohuang. When we drive her away, you and I will fight again."

Han Yiyi returned to his previous arrogant and indifferent look.

If Mu Yaoyao now said that she would withdraw from this competition, Han Yiyi would not trust her at all.

The relationship between her and Mu Yaoyao had already broken.

But ten days ago, Mu Yaoyao took the initiative to give her the Water Lingzhu she got from Yuyanrou.

He also studied with her the refining methods of water mirror spirit roots.

The two reconciled as before.

"Well, our enemy is Jun Mohuang."

(End of this chapter)

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