Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1422: Di Lingtian's dark wound

Chapter 1422 Di Lingtian's Secret Injury

"Ling Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?!"

Jun Mohuang immediately got up and ran to Di Lingtian's side.

All the thoughts in his mind were swept away, only the worries about him were left.

He shared a part of the heart of the water mirror with her.

Although it is only a small part, it destroys the integrity of the heart of the water mirror.

"It's okay, silly girl, I lied to you."

Di Lingtian took advantage of the situation and dragged it into his arms.

Jun Mohuang squeezed him severely: "How can you use this kind of thing to lie to me!"

"Don't lie to you, why would you come by yourself."

"Well, I won't toss you anymore today."

Di Lingtian grabbed her wrist, gently kneaded her with one hand, and fed her a glass of Yuepo wine with the other.

"Ling Tian, ​​how does the heart of Shui Jing treat you for its secret wounds?"

Jun Mohuang sipped the wine.

While using the power of induction to check his body.

In Di Lingtian's sea of ​​qi, there was no bounds and devil qi lingered.

Jun Mohuang could only see one of the corners.

It was in this corner that Di Lingtian's sea of ​​air was shattered like ice cracks.

A large dazzling golden light is constantly eroding his sea of ​​air, adding to the tendency of sea cracks.

Sure enough, it was a wound of anger.

This golden light must be the power of the light source of the spirit race.

Since the power of the light source is allowed to erode and destroy, Diling Weather Sea will become more and more fragmented, and will eventually be completely torn apart.

She had not probed the situation of the hidden injuries in Di Lingtian's body.

There is no way to know how the Heart of Water Mirror healed his dark wounds.

From what she found out, it was not as good as the legend.

Di Lingtian said: "It's so so, one-third better."

"The effect is not very good, why are Chi Chi and other demons boasting the Heart of Water Mirror so much."

It made her work hard for the heart of Shui Jing.

"That's what I deliberately deceived them. The purpose is to test the ability and loyalty of those demons. As a result, it is really not very good."

The heart of the water mirror under the Lingyuanzong Shuijing Mountain was placed there long ago.

The spiritual veins of the Lingyuanzong are suitable for nourishing the growth of the heart of the water mirror.

The root of the water mirror is just the companion of the heart of the water mirror.

Otherwise, in the sect land of Lingyuanzong's level, the aura is not the most abundant and pure, and there is no such condition to grow the heart of the water mirror.

Di Lingtian touched Jun Mohuang's long hair, his eyes soft.

That group of demons was not very good, but he got a surprise.

"Ling Tian, ​​I will heal you."

Jun Mohuang withdrew the power of induction, and his tone was particularly solemn.

She has Shui Jingshan in her hands, and Lord Yinyue will cultivate the roots of the middle-grade Shui Jing for her.

When the Yuanzong realm went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, she had to get him the root of the top grade water mirror.

The water element in the Heavenly Dragon Realm is sufficient, maybe she can find another heart of the water mirror.

"it is good."

Di Lingtian lowered his head and dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The two enjoyed their time alone, and neither spoke.

After a while, Jun Mohuang suddenly said, "Ling Tian, ​​I have a hunch that your subordinates must be plotting how to deal with me."

"If someone upsets you in the future, don't bear it, you must tell me."

Di Lingtian touched her long hair.

That group of demon ministers will be restless, which is normal.

"Then, what would you do with them?"

"I will kill that person."

"What if I make trouble unreasonably and deliberately see them not pleasing to my eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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