Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1398: Devilish Energy 1

Chapter 1398 Demon Qi Enters the Body 1

He stared blankly at the three silver arrows protruding in front of his chest, and didn't know what was going on.

Kneeling with his legs, he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

I told you that there is a handjob, you must not believe it.

Jun Mohuang stretched out his foot and kicked his corpse, kicking away the big knife in his hand.

After confirming that the person had no response, and that he was indeed dead, he drew out the three silver flying arrows.

There are not many scales of Lord Yinyue's real body.

Since she couldn't wait for the arrival of Emperor Lingtian, then she had to find a way to survive for herself.

Lord Yinyue's dragon scales are her only hope, and there must be no waste.

Just when Jun Mohuang drew three silver flying arrows, something happened suddenly.

Yu Han, who was already dead, suddenly opened his eyes, turned his wrists, and a dagger appeared out of nowhere. It stabbed forward and pierced Jun Mohuang's heart.

The situation is extremely critical.

Suddenly, he was struck hard by a strong Yuanhuang Realm, and the speed was extremely fast, so fast that Jun Mohuang had no time to even Jieyin teleported away.

Between the electric light and flint, Jun Mohuang's body leaned back, and three silver flying arrows in his hand inserted into Yu Han's heart.

Jun Mohuang's luck was very bad this time.

The heart part avoided the attack, but the dagger was inserted under her ribs, leaving only a section of the hilt, and blood continued to gush out along the sides of the dagger.

A black magical energy followed the dagger through the wound and penetrated into her body.

The black qi immediately followed the meridians and spread to Jun Mohuang's body.

Devilish energy is the natural nemesis of the spirit tribe.

This is no exception for Jun Mohuang, who has half of the spirit race bloodline.

The invasion of demonic energy was like a drop of water dripping into a hot oil pan, and the blood of the half spirit race in her body instantly boiled.

The black madness continued to run rampant in her body and wreaked havoc.

Jun Mohuang was weak, his limbs were limp, and his mind began to blur.

She dropped her hand weakly, and three silver flying arrows in her hand fell to the ground.

Yu Han stood up and stepped on Jun Mohuang's hand holding the silver flying arrow, and a pair of big hands pinched her neck tightly.

"Huh, stinky girl, I didn't expect that the demons in the Yuanhuang realm have a second life. Humph, you don't even know this common sense, so you dare to kill me!"

Yuhan pinched Jun Mohuang's neck, admiring her extremely uncomfortable look because of the devilish energy.

Jun Mohuang was dizzy and extremely unwilling.

Obviously, this demons had been killed by her.

Who knew that he would suddenly resurrect with full blood, and then use the devilish energy to quickly come back.

The Demon Race of Yuanhuangjing...Second Life...

None of Chi Chi, Di Lingtian, and others told her about these common senses, nor did she come into contact with other demons. If she knew about it, there would be ghosts!

Without common sense, it really kills people!

Devil energy entered the body, she couldn't even use teleport now.

How to do how to do……

Even in this situation, Jun Mohuang's mind was still trying his best to think about how to escape this disaster.

"Huh, stinky girl, today is your death date!"

He was actually able to attack him, causing him to lose his life in vain. It can be seen that the person at hand is indeed the main body of Jun Mohuang.

Now, he only needs to kill her, and then get the heart of the water mirror, and he can complete the task perfectly.

Yuhan smiled slyly and increased his strength in his hands.

The dagger in the other hand was sent into Jun Mohuang's heart again.

Yuhan seriously flashed a light of excitement.

This time, look at how this stinky girl avoids!

(End of this chapter)

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