Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1380: For my future husband 2

Chapter 1380 For my future husband 2

She will be sad, and let go cleanly.

"You...then you said, you have said that you are willing to bet and lose. This shows that you yourself admit that your future husband is at risk of changing his mind, and you can't guarantee that you will live with him forever. ."

"Then you are working hard for him now, what is the meaning of everything you have done for him? You are so magnanimous, healed his secret wounds, and gave him to other women?"

The tone of the heart of the water mirror is even more anxious.

It had never seen a woman like Jun Mohuang with such a stubborn brain.

The dozen or so demon girls in front of them began to retreat in their hearts as long as they finished the previous paragraph.

But Jun Mohuang's oil and salt didn't get in, so it was mad to death, it was mad to death!

Why is she willing to bet and lose, she thinks that love is a gambling game, and she can leave without surrender?

The heart of the water mirror racked his brains and continued to analyze the hazards for Jun Mohuang and weigh the pros and cons.

Jun Mohuang: "You are wrong again. Because he has the risk of leaving me, so I have to work hard for him. The meaning of my doing this is to minimize this risk."

Heart of Shui Jing: " it worth it for you to do this? Your future husband may not appreciate your affection at all."

Jun Mohuang said again: "I think it's worth it, it's worth it. Whether it's worth it or not, it's not you who have the final say, but I have the final say."

"He doesn't appreciate it, it's his business, what's your business. So, don't waste your energy."

She only needs to do what she should do, and that's it.

The conversation between Jun Mohuang and Shui Jingzhi's heart has been unhurried.

But for some reason, the words she slowly said made everyone present feel unspeakable.

Under the ceremonial stage, a big man Chi Chi had red eyes and touched the tears that overflowed from the corner of his eyes.

嘤嘤嘤, the hostess is so kind to her superior, it is not in vain to pay for her.

On the sacrificial stage, all the demons were silent.

Their eyes and the mocking expressions on their faces all disappeared, and their hearts were more complicated than ever.

They thought that under the torture of the heart of the water mirror, Jun Mohuang's confidence in the feelings of the emperor would be shaken, swayed, hesitated, and doubtful in the end.

When they were tortured by the heart of Shui Jing, the mental journey was like this.

Unexpectedly, Jun Mohuang was very firm from beginning to end.

Abandoning their previous extreme and prejudice towards her, their hearts began to feel ashamed.

Compared with Jun Mohuang, their love for the emperor is so superficial and frivolous.

But soon, this group of demon girls suppressed their feelings of shame.

What if Jun Mohuang temporarily survived the test, she is not a lowly and dirty person with double bloodlines, she is not worthy of the emperor at all.

Only these witches of noble origin and pure blood of the Nine Nether Realm Demon Race are the perfect match for the emperor!

And they didn't believe that Jun Mohuang's love for Emperor Zun was true.

She is just pretending.

Thinking about it this way, these demon girls immediately regained their vitality.

"What to do, she hasn't shown her feet up to now! Do you want to continue recording!"

Yu Yanrou squeezed the sound transmission jade talisman in her hand, feeling angrily in her heart.

The sound transmission jade talisman in her hand was constantly glowing, and the conversation between Jun Mohuang and the heart of the water mirror was recorded verbatim.

Han Yiyi gritted his teeth and said: "Of course I want to record! She hasn't shown the horse's feet now, she will definitely show the horse's feet in the end, don't forget, the heart of the water mirror has one last question!"

(End of this chapter)

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