Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1374: The meaning of ‘mirror’, the second Jun Mohuang

Chapter 1374 The meaning of "Mirror", the second Jun Mohuang

The space here is not big, only forty to fifty square meters, all white, top, bottom, left, and right.

When a girl in red saw the arrival of Jun Mohuang, the expression on that little face was full of anger.

Jun Mohuang was shocked when she saw the red-clothed girl in front of her, no matter how good her mental quality was.

Because this girl in red is exactly the same as herself.

No matter it's hairstyle, appearance, dress, or body shape, all the details are the same.

She even wore an easy mask on her face, and the girl in red on the other side also wore a easy mask on her face.

Jun Mohuang raised his right hand and stroked the long hair that fell on her right shoulder. The girl in red on the opposite side raised her hand and stroked the long hair that fell on her right shoulder.

The movements of the girl in red are completely synchronized with her, without any delay.

Jun Mohuang did a few more moves, and the girl in red on the opposite side was still not bad at all, completely copying all her actions.

"It turns out that this is the meaning of'mirror'."

Jun Mohuang stopped testing, and the doubt in his heart was suddenly solved.

The mirror reflects all existing entities.

The girl in the red dress opposite should be her mirror image.

It's no wonder that the water mirror spiritual root is not called the crystal spiritual root, nor the water spiritual root, the heart of the water mirror is not called the crystal heart or the water heart.

Just as the water surface is calm and clear to a certain level, it will produce reflections.

The water element is pure to the highest degree, it automatically has a mirror image.

Reflection is also a kind of mirroring.

"Yes, if you are smart and realize the meaning of this, it's not good for the dozen or so idiots to be stronger."

The girl in red on the opposite side spit out without opening her lips.

The voice is still the direct voice of Jun Mohuang.

It's just this tone, which is very awkward.

"Hmph, you were so loud just now, you dare to say that I am afraid of you, so I dare not let you up. Today, I will let you know how good I am!"

The girl in red on the opposite side seemed to be very dissatisfied with the aggressive method Jun Mohuang had just adopted.

Jun Mohuang faintly said: "If you don't let me come up, what can I do. You are just a mirror image, a visual image that does not exist in reality. I don't think you can take me."

Facing such a face is his own, his voice is his own, and his mind is controlled by the heart of the water mirror. It is really all kinds of unaccustomed.

"Huh, are you! Since you are so confident, I will let your rivals see how you were beaten to the ground by me!"

The girl in red on the opposite side was wrong, it should be that the heart of Shui Jing was completely angered by Jun Mohuang.

After she threw down these words angrily, the spiritual energy in this special pure white space suddenly vibrated.

The colors of pure white space are replaced by transparent colors.

"Look, that woman has appeared!"

On the ceremonial stage, Yu Yanrou immediately noticed that she could see the figure of Jun Mohuang.

No, what she can see is not only Jun Mohuang's figure, but also the red-dressed girl opposite her who is exactly like her.

"It's true that God is on our side. Next, we will appreciate her painful appearance throughout the whole process!"

There was a sudden burst of light in Han Yiyi's eyes.

It was as if the hungry dog ​​saw a fleshy bone.

"Yes, let's all enjoy it. This half-hour performance belongs to this woman!"

Yuyan smiled softly.

Take out the sound transmission jade symbol and start recording.

After half an hour, Jun Mohuang will reveal her true face.

She wants to record all of this and hand it over to the emperor at that time, so that the emperor can see her true face clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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