Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1352: This lady is the future queen 3

Chapter 1352 This lady is the future queen 3

How many times better than Han Yiyi, a noble character full of blood and blood, she doesn't know what qualifications to slander the hostess!

Han Yiyi raised his chin: "Red capital is unified, isn't this young lady right? People with double bloodlines are low and dirty. This is a fact that everyone recognizes."

"What! She is actually a combination of human and spiritual blood, and she has a face lying beside the emperor, how thick is her face!"

"That is, if it weren't for the special situation today, this lady I wouldn't want to stand with people of this kind of double blood. Standing together is a tarnish to the pure blood in my body!"

When these demons heard Han Yiyi's words, their expressions became disgusting.

After carefully inspecting the aura on Jun Mohuang's body, she found the aura of human blood in her body.

Before, the aura of the Spirit Race bloodline on Jun Mohuang's body was too strong, making them subconsciously ignore it.

Bloodlines are not the effect of 1+1=2, but 1+1=-1.

The purity of the bloodline determines the cultivator's talents in all aspects.

Once there are more than two kinds of blood vessels in the body, the power between the two blood vessels will oppose each other and contend with each other.

A person like Jun Mohuang with two bloodlines in his body would have very poor cultivation talent.

It is no wonder that she has the bloodline of the fastest cultivation in the world-the bloodline of the spirit race, but her strength is only in the Yuanzun realm, and she is dragged down by the double bloodlines.

Because the cultivators of double bloodlines have poor cultivation talents, it will seriously hinder the strength of the entire ethnic group.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is a demons, orcs, humans or spirits, intermarriage with other races is strictly prohibited to ensure the purity of the blood of the offspring and ensure the cultivation talent and strength of the offspring.

Over time, cultivators of double bloodlines have become synonymous with lowliness and dirty in the eyes of all ethnic groups.

"you guys……"

Chi Chi's face flushed with anger when these Demon girls slandered Jun Mohuang.

He is an expert in fighting and killing people, but he is not good at arguing with women!

Chi Chi was about to do his best to defend his mistress, Jun Mohuang pulled Chi Chi's sleeves and motioned him not to speak.

"You are right, Ling Tian is just playing with me. But so what, noble you, you don't even have the qualifications to be or play."

Jun Mohuang looked at Han Yiyi, his eyes waved, his expression relaxed and happy.

He was not at all angry at what Han Yiyi said to these demons.

What's so angry? These women just can't eat grapes, and they are envious of her, who is eating grapes.

On the contrary, Jun Mohuang was full of sympathy for these demons.

"You... don't be ashamed, but rather proud, it really is a lowly and dirty blood!"

Jun Mohuang's words stepped on Han Yiyi's painful foot.

Yes, she was right.

In the Nine Nether Realm, Di Lingtian never said a word to them, nor would he look at them.

No matter how well-dressed and beautiful they are.

They really didn't even have the qualifications for Wang Yuan.

"Heh, what a duplicity. Is this a shame? If you have this opportunity, I am afraid that you will have sent it to the door without waiting for Ling Tian to give it a hint."

Jun Mohuang glanced at these witches slowly, and continued with a sneer:

"What about me being low and dirty. Ling Tian prefers to be with someone like me, and he doesn't want to have any involvement with you women of noble blood. It shows that you are more disgusting than low and dirty. I don't know Where are you guys confident, dare to stand up and belittle me crazily."

(End of this chapter)

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