Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1347: Blast in place

Chapter 1347 Explosion in Place

This dense forest is very strange. The only place she can step on is this path.

Whenever Jun Mohuang wanted to walk into the dense forest on both sides of the trail, there was an invisible barrier blocking her.

At first glance, this dense forest looks no different from a normal forest.

After 20 minutes of walking, Jun Mohuang found that any tree, shrub, or even grass in the dense forest on the right side of the trail can find exactly the same tree, shrub and grass on the left side of the trail.

Not only the shape and color are the same, but the texture on the trunk and the veins on the leaves are exactly the same.

Even when the breeze blows, the amplitude and frequency of the leaves swing is the same.

It is like a mirror standing in the middle of the path.

One side is the real world, and the other is the mirror world reflected by the mirror.

Not only that, the left and right sides of each tree and grass are symmetrical.

This is an absolutely symmetrical world.

"Chichi, according to you, what is this place on earth?"

Jun Mohuang asked Xiang Chi Chi.

To get out of here quickly, you must first figure out what this place is.

She can't guess where this is when she looks from left to right, but Chi Chi knows a lot and should know.

"Mistress, this...this...this is like a mirror world?"

Chi Chi looked at the symmetrical trees and grasses in front of him, his expression increasingly ugly.

A few drops of cold sweat flowed down Chi Chi's forehead.

My god, just stealing a Shuijingshan, the hostess actually fell into the mirror world.

When the Lord knew, he would definitely chop him into mash.

No, no, now is not the time to think about being chopped into meat by the venerable.

After all, it was two days later.

The question now was how he would lead the mistress to leave here safely before coming to Bafang Profound Realm.

The Mirror World not only has to break the illusion to get out, but what worries him is that the demons of the Nine Nether Realm in this operation are also inside.

If the identity of the hostess is revealed in the mirror world, it would be dangerous.

Without the supreme being sitting in person, he and Lan Lan couldn't control the group of devil girls who were brain-disabled.

Chi Chi only hoped that he and his mistress would not meet those demons.

But whatever you are afraid of.

"Mirror World, where is it?"

Jun Mohuang raised his brows slightly, just wanting Chi Chi to explain in detail.

An abrupt female voice rang in their ears,

"Hehe, the mirror world doesn't know, you are too embarrassed to run here to grab the heart of the water mirror. This lady advises you to get out as soon as possible, and it is better not to **** it with us."

A group of gorgeously dressed girls suddenly walked out of another path in the dense forest.

Yu Yanrou and Mu Yaoyao walked in front.

Because Yu Yanrou relied on her identity as the future queen of the Nine Nether World, other girls of the Demon Race had already stood by Mu Yaoyao because of jealousy, completely isolating Yu Yanrou.

Yu Yanrou was isolated, and she was in a bad mood.

There is also Mu Yaoyao, a strong enemy who will **** the heart of the mirror at any time. This will see that Jun Mohuang doesn't even know what it is in the mirror world, so he dares to break in, and immediately speaks unceremoniously.

"The eldest sister, you are menopausal, or you are taking gunpowder. If you are menopausal, I advise you to start a little bit, don't get angry at all times, so you age faster."

"If you are taking gunpowder, please roll away quickly, pull the lead yourself and explode on the spot, so as not to accidentally injure the innocent people."

Jun Mohuang looked at Yu Yanrou, his lips twitched slightly, his tone was not rushed.

The recent update is not ideal. To compensate everyone, 10 chapters are updated every day on Saturdays and weekends (8.26-8.27).

Updated today

(End of this chapter)

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