Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1338: Mirror World 1

Chapter 1338 Mirror World 1

The people in the periphery of Lingyuanzong who were in charge of guarding and watching did not find them at all.

This group of demons lurked outside the Lingyuanzong for an hour, and they almost figured out the situation inside the Lingyuanzong.

But I don't know why, Lan Lan hasn't let them go.

Patriarch Mu asked in a puzzled way: "Lan Dutong, the situation has been figured out, why wait?"

Lan Lan looked at the still peaceful Spirit Yuanzong, and said: "The time has not arrived, wait."

A group of demons listened to him, restrained their breath and waited quietly.

Two days passed quickly.

The weight of Shuijing Mountain is over one million catties, and the talisman that reduces the weight of Shuijing Mountain is much more difficult than the simple talisman that Jun Mohuang learned before to increase attack power.

Under Yue Rong's teaching, Jun Mohuang still learned it in one night.

She spends the rest of the time constantly carving and drawing jade charms.

On this day, Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen came to Shuijingshan together.

When stealing Shuijingshan, the two brothers and sisters must act together. This is what they said when they first came to Lingyuanzong.

Mo Sie and Mo Ranchen were really worried that she would do this alone.

When Jun Mohuang replenishes the lack of spiritual energy of the water mirror, it also replenishes the water and wood elements.

The wood element comes from the old tortoise’s own wood element power and wood element essence, and the water element comes from the silver moon lord’s own water element and silver moon fairy glaze.

Under the nourishment of the four energies, more than half a month passed, the aura and water element of the entire Shuijing Mountain increased by nearly 20% compared to when she first came here.

The aura of Shuijing Mountain is lingering, and the halo from the mountain is stronger than before.

If Jun Mohuang didn't know that Shuijingshan only had the roots of Shuijingling, she would definitely think that Shuijingshan had a treasure to be born.

Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen looked at each other, nodded indistinctly, and walked into the water mirror mountain together.

The two brothers and sisters began to take care of Shui Jing Linggen.

According to the usual practice, both Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen worked in shifts, except for the first few days, they rarely appeared together.

Today the two men appeared together in such an unusual situation, which immediately attracted the attention of Elder Yu.

He immediately took out the mirror of water.

When Elder Yu took out the mirror of water, his eyes stabbed with the white light of the mirror, and tears flowed into his eyes.

I don't know what's going on. Recently, the light from the water mirror is getting more and more dazzling.

It was obviously not so hurtful before.

Elder Yu murmured a few words, resisting the sting of his eyes, and continued to monitor the two with tears.

In the secret room.

When Elder Yu took out the mirror of water, Jun Mohuang had already noticed that an invisible gaze locked her firmly in the dark.

The corners of Jun Mohuang's lips twitched slightly, monitoring, which was another trick.

Can't you play dim sum.

It's a pity, if in peacetime, Elder Yu's surveillance is absolutely effective.

Today, I'm sorry, today is her Jun Mohuang's place.

Under the guise of replenishing the missing spiritual energy of the water mirror's spiritual root, Jun Mohuang secretly crushed the jade symbols that he had carved one by one.

The golden rune energy continuously overflowed from the crushed jade charms, and quickly submerged into the mountain of Shuijingshan, causing bursts of spiritual energy shocks in the air.

In the air of the secret room, there were continuous spiritual ripples being stirred.

But there was peace in the mirror of water in Elder Yu's hand, and he felt nothing.

Even the golden rune energy did not show in the mirror.

As Jun Mohuang crushed jade charms after another, the weight of Shui Jingshan continued to drop.

(End of this chapter)

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