Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1332: Nine Nether World Future Queen's Spectrum 2

Chapter 1332 The Spectrum of the Future Queen of the Nine Nether Realm 2

Her relationship with Lord Emperor Dizun started by refining the Water Mirror Spirit Pill for him.

If this new pharmacist is a woman, would Lord Emperor empathize?

no, I can not.

After all, she was the first person to refine the spiritual roots of the water mirror for Lord Emperor Zun, and her significance to Lord Emperor Zun was very unusual. She occupies a very important position in his heart. How could a latecomer be comparable.

Moreover, Lord Emperor Dizun has personally admitted that she Yuyanrou is the future queen of the Nine Netherworld Realm.

Yu Yanrou is very confident, and the position of the queen must be hers.

The middle-aged man said, "This...the little one doesn't know."

"Forget it, you go, don't block my lady's view of the scenery."

Yu Yanrou waved her hand in disgust and drove him away.

Not far from Yuyanrou.

"Sister Yao Yao, look at that little **** so proud, you can't wait for the tail to rise to the sky!"

The demon girl who retorted just now walked to Mu Yaoyao, her gorgeous little face full of anger.

"That's right, pretending to be like a disguise along the way, for a while, this person will serve the other person, and I really think I am the future queen of the Nine Nether Realm!"

"Ah, damn, I really want to tell that little **** the truth right away and pierce her fantasy!"

The other witches also dislike Yuyanrou to the extreme.

"If you are in a hurry, let her be proud. The higher you fly, the more pain you will fall."

Mu Yaoyao smiled coldly.

"Yes, when the truth is revealed, see how proud that little **** is!"

"Hahaha, Sister Yaoyao is still smart, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. When the Lord Emperor personally said that the future queen is not her, she must have even the heart to die!"

The demons' girls were still full of anger just now, and they all smiled.

They knew very well that the future queen in Di Lingtian's mouth was not Yu Yanrou, but his human lover.

But what does that matter, it's just a small human race, the Lord Emperor must be just playing casually.

They can kill the celebrity girl with their fingers, and then Lord Emperor will be theirs again.

Mu Yaoyao's mood and the thoughts of these demons.

She didn't think that Emperor Zun was just playing around.

In the past three months, she sent the elite killers of the Mu family to conduct a carpet search in Modu, hoping to find Jun Mohuang.

The result was nothing.

Mu Yaoyao already understood that Emperor Zun's little lover was not in the Nine Nether Realm at all.

The clever emperor might have expected this situation long ago and hid her elsewhere.

The emperor considered her so comprehensively, which shows that she was really emotionally moved.

A jealous fire emerged in Mu Yaoyao's heart, her fists clenched.

The location of the emperor Tibetans must have been in the Bafang Profound Realm.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to go to the Bafang Profound Realm, she must find out the little lover of the emperor's human race, and then kill it without knowing it, and eliminate the trouble forever!


after an hour.

Lan Lan finally came to take this valley.

"Lan Dutong, this lady has been waiting here for two days, why did you come here! Did you do this!"

When Yu Yanrou saw the blue finally arrived, she immediately stood up from the soft collapse and walked quickly to the blue side, her beautiful eyes revealing blame.

Lan Lan glanced at Yuyanrou inexplicably, thinking that Yuyanrou took the wrong medicine today?

Actually talked to him in this tone.

Lan Li ignored her and walked directly to the eight Patriarchs.

One more chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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