Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1327: Refresh lower limit 1

Chapter 1327 Refresh lower limit 1

"Second Uncle, will I die..."

"Relax, Second Uncle won't let you die!"

Yuanba clenched his fists, hatred in his eyes.

He has no cure for his toxin.

The weird thing is, where did Jun Mohuang get this toxin from?

Could it be that she succeeded in removing the toxins in Yue Ning's body, or did she find the toxins in her body?

No, no, his poison is so concealed that it is impossible for Jun Mohuang to discover it.

So... the toxin on Yuanwei's body is just very similar to his toxin, and he will definitely find a way to interpret it!

Yuanwei got the guarantee from Yuanba, and finally exhausted and fell asleep.

Yuanba went to check Chu Tiankuo's injuries.

Inside another bedroom.

With the busy work of all the pharmacists in Lingyuanzong, after spending most of the night, Chu Tiankuo's injury was finally stabilized.

But Chu Tiankuo's sea of ​​Qi was shattered too thoroughly, even if Jun Mohuang came, the water mirror spirit root with the silver moon fairy glaze and the wood element essence could not be restored.

For the rest of his life, don't even think about continuing to practice.

"Master, must avenge the disciple!"

Chu Tiankuo's face was pale, and his eyes were burning with anger.

The spiritual energy in his body is constantly dissipating from his body, and his strength is constantly regressing.

Now, Chu Tiankuo only had the strength of the fourth-order of the Lingering Realm.

The momentum of declining strength will continue until all his strength is cleared.

"Tiankuo, don't worry, Master will not let Jun Mohuang go like this! I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Yuan Wei comforted Chu Tiankuo and walked outside.

Said to Yao Xuan who was sitting outside: "Xuan'er, your injury is not serious, so go back and rest first. Master will explain this to you."

"Yes, Master."

Yao Xuan pursed his lips, stroked his heart to say goodbye.

Compared with Yuan Wei and Chu Tiankuo, his power is indeed not heavy.

But he couldn't speak any more in his life, he became a dumb!

Communication with people depends entirely on secret language transmission.

This is more uncomfortable than letting Jun Mohuang hurt him severely.

By doing this, Jun Mohuang was deliberately humiliating him!

Jun Mohuang, do you think that you are the only one who can climb high branches? He also knows Yao Xuan!

Yao Xuan did not return to his cave mansion, but came to a quiet valley in the third peak.

This valley has the worst aura in the third peak. This is where the wrong disciples of the third peak are imprisoned, and ordinary disciples would never come here.

Yao Xuan came to a protruding rock and reached out and knocked on it.

Suddenly a secret door appeared in this seemingly complete rock.

Yao Xuan slammed into it.

In the cold stone room, there is only one single bed and a piece of straw futon.

The stone room layout is very simple.

Ye Xueman was sitting on the futon, meditating intently.

When she heard the movement behind her, she turned around and saw Yao Xuan walk in, Ye Xueman's clear eyes were filled with joy and greeted her.

"Brother Xuan, you are finally here! You haven't been here for a long time to see me."


Yao Xuan wanted to open his mouth to call her name, and under one mouth, all that was vomited was blood.

"Brother Xuan, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?!"

Ye Xueman noticed that Yao Xuan's clothes were messy and there were a lot of blood stains on them.

His face was pale, his breath was empty, and he was obviously hurt.

In Ye Xueman's anxiety, the aura in his body overflowed uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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