Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1323: How much do you want? Master will steal it for you

How much is Chapter 1323, how much will the master steal for you

"Very bad, the injury is too serious. My pill can only repair the wounds on the body and internal organs. The meridians, limbs, hands and feet, spiritual energy and Qi Hai cannot be repaired."

Jun Mohuang shook his head.

Only the high-level pill can repair the pill that continues the meridian, and she can only refine a part of the middle-level pill now.

"Even so, the injuries of the six seniors are healed, and even their daily actions will be affected."

Hand tendons and hamstrings are different from the "jing" of the meridians, but they are the four most important meridians of the human body.

These four meridians not only affect cultivation, but also affect daily hand and foot activities.

If the hamstrings are broken, it is only better than being disabled.

"Is there really no other way?"

In Yue Rong's voice, there was a wave of depressed pain.

He knew very well in his heart that once the hand and foot tendons were broken, there was no possibility of repair.

But he still couldn't help but ask Jun Mohuang, a faint hope rose in his heart.

His little disciple was talented in refining medicine, and he could even make a one-centimeter wide pill pattern.

Maybe, she has a way.

"There is another way."

Jun Mohuang really couldn't bear to look at Master like this.

I can't bear the end of the six brothers who are able to cultivate but become the living dead who can't cultivate.

The six seniors practiced very hard these days, and they actively asked her about cultivation issues every day.

She really couldn't bear it.

"Little disciple, I knew you had a way!"

A strong light burst into Yue Rong's eyes.

Jun Mohuang bit his lip and sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, it would be exposed in advance, just expose it.

Jun Mohuang flipped her hand, and a cold jade box appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Yue Rong's eyes shifted to the cold jade box, his eyes brighter.

With a "click", Jun Mohuang opened the cold jade box.

The five spiritual roots of water mirrors lie quietly in the cold jade box.

"This...little disciple, can you have a water mirror spiritual root in your hand."

Yue Rong's eyes became very complicated.

"Elder Yu is right. The purpose of my coming to Lingyuanzong is to come to Shui Jing's spiritual roots."

Jun Mohuang carefully took out the five water mirror spiritual roots and put them into a jade bowl.

"If Master wants to report me to Lord Sovereign or Elder Yu, please be sure to wait for me to finish treating the six seniors."

She knew that Yue Rong really liked her talented apprentice.

But after all, he is a member of the Lingyuanzong, after knowing her purpose, it is difficult to guarantee that he can accept it.

Regardless of Master's attitude, she must be able to save the injuries of the six seniors.

"Stupid girl, how could the master tell you."

Yue Rong sighed, stretched out his hand and patted Jun Mohuang's head gently.

"You want the root of the water mirror, no problem, Master will help you. Master will teach you the same rune tonight, to ensure that you can get the root of the water mirror without knowing it under Elder Yu’s eyelids. ."

Since discovering her amazing talent, Yue Rong has always regarded Jun Mohuang as his daughter.

The baby disciple wants, what the mere Shui Jing Linggen is.

"Little disciple, you must think too seriously for Master. It is too old-fashioned to think of Master. It is often the case that Master will do it when he is young."

Yue Rong often took the sheep by himself, of course, he didn't feel that there was any problem with his disciple's use of the water mirror.

Good things are reserved for talented seedlings.

There is still another chapter... The end of cursing Di Lingtian 1 This chapter was inexplicably swallowed. If it continues to be like this tomorrow, I will merge the swallowed chapter into the end of cursing Di Lingtian 2, so that everyone can See the full version

(End of this chapter)

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