Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1321: The end of cursing Emperor Lingtian 1

Chapter 1321 The end of the curse of Emperor Lingtian 1

The little brother was afraid that Jun Mohuang would feel soft for a while and would really let Yao Xuan go.

Regardless of his body, he took a deep breath, using the only energy and physical strength remaining in his body, to repeat the words of Yao Xuan insulting Jun Mohuang word by word.

Yue Ning barely finished saying these words, exhausted all his energy, then suddenly vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and fainted.

"Little Junior't let him go..."

The five seniors also struggled to speak in weak voices.

Their Qihai was abolished and their injuries were more serious than Yue Ning's.

After speaking, he couldn't hold back to faint.


Jun Mohuang's eyes were like swords, staring at Yao Xuan.

Yao Xuan's face was suddenly pale as paper.

These six wastes were about to be beaten to death, and they still have to come to sue him.

Regardless, they will not escape this disaster anyway.

Jun Mohuang, this woman was cruel, she knew it, and it was useless for him to beg for mercy.

Yao Xuan stubbornly said loudly, "Did Shao Ben make a mistake, Jun Mohuang!"

"When you were in Cangyuan Continent, didn't you just rely on your body to hook up with that wild man, and then you could easily advance all the way, so that you could crush others with your strength at will!"

"Your talent is not as good as Ben Shao. If it were not for that wild man, you would never be better than Ben Shao!"

"Why, Jun Mohuang, now your strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, look down on that wild man, so he dumped it, and climbed to the high branch?"

"You are such a flirtatious woman, that savage man has really fallen for eight lifetimes when he meets you! He deserves it too, blinded to see you as a bitch! Hahahahaha..."

Yao Xuan said that at the end, thinking of the deep hatred of the medicine master before, thinking of the tragic death of his relatives, the more he spoke, the more angry.

Why, why Jun Mohuang's strength is always ahead of him.

As for Yao Xuan, he was obviously a super genius, but he was defeated by her every time.

God is not fair, he refuses to accept medicine!


Yao Xuan, who laughed unscrupulously, suddenly received a heavy punch in his abdomen, and he staggered and fell on the flying monster.

The body curled up in pain.

The corners of the red skirt in front of Yao Xuan's eyes flashed, and Jun Mohuang had already arrived in front of him.

Then, his lower jaw was roughly removed by Jun Mohuang, and a golden dagger magnified infinitely before his eyes.

The golden dagger stretched into his mouth and stirred, and countless blood spouted from Yao Xuan's mouth.

" are so"

Yao Xuan's mouth was severely injured and his speech was vague.

But Jun Mohuang understood.

What he meant was nothing more than that, when he said that Jun Mohuang’s sore spot, Jun Mohuang became angry.

"No matter how you scold me, I don't care, but you are so wrong that you shouldn't scold him."

Jun Mohuang flicked his finger to clean the blood on the golden dagger.

"This half of your tongue is the price you paid for scolding him!"

Who would dare to scold her and hurt someone she cares about, she is so vicious, so what!

"Wow wow wow..."

Yao Xuan shouted more vigorously.

This time, Jun Mohuang didn't need to listen, and knew what he was talking about.

"Hmph, don’t you agree? I won’t break your hands and feet today, nor will I abolish your anger, and give you a chance for revenge. Yao Xuan, even so, you will never have a chance to become stronger in your life. Pass me. You will always be the defeat of my Jun Mohuang!"

Jun Mohuang's oppressive gaze stared directly at Yao Xuan.

The Yao family made so many small actions in Cangyuan Continent, not only tried to kill her again and again, but also helped the real murderer behind the scenes to take away her Phoenix Crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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