Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1312: Trivia 4

Chapter 1312

Yao Xuan became more vigorous as he cursed.

Thinking of sister, father, uncle, and grandfather all died tragically because of Jun Mohuang, and the medicine family was destroyed because of Jun Mohuang.

They were all Jun Mohuang, which caused him to be pampered from a big family and had an extremely bright future, and became a dog who could only beg Yuanba on the Third Peak.

He didn't think he had made a mistake, all of this was caused by Jun Mohuang.

And if it hadn't been for Jun Mohuang to hook up Emperor Lingtian with her beauty at the time, with her strength in Cangyuan Continent, none of this would happen at all!

"Ah, let me just say, how can Jun Mohuang be so rich, he can sell hundreds of millions of amethyst stones, and he can also take out things like black cards and tracking pills. It turns out to be selling hue!"

Then the disciple of the third peak of the sixth stage of the transformation spirit realm suddenly realized.

Uh... However, Jun Mohuang didn't seem to be so beautiful as to be tragic, why would there be men willing to give her something like a black card.

Of course he didn't know that Jun Mohuang had changed his face.

Therefore, he automatically understood that Yao Xuan was deliberately saying this to stimulate six people.

The disciples of Third Peak, such as the elder brother in ambush, have the same thoughts as this disciple.

What an international joke, if Jun Mohuang's background is really that hard, how could he go to Lingyuanzong to become a core disciple, and he would be crazy.

Seeing Yao Xuanjiang's insults on the younger sister Jun Mohuang, his words were still so unbearable.

The big brother couldn't help it, and shouted angrily to Shangkong: "Yao Xuan, you shut up Laozi!"

The other five seniors stared at the two in the sky, and the anger in their eyes became more intense.

It's okay to insult them, they are getting used to it anyway.

But if you insult the younger sister like this and ruin the reputation of the younger sister, you can't bear it.

"Yo yo yo yo, look at this angry little look, looking at the angry little eyes. Angry, angry, ha ha ha, Master Ben and Master Yao Xuan just want to scold you, if you have the ability, you can bite me."

Yuan Wei looked at the faces of the six seniors, their expressions, voices and intonations were very nasty.


Senior Brother San pointed at Yuanwei, his fingers trembling with anger.

"Damn, I can't stand it anymore! I'm going to kill these three **** men!"

The big brother pressed his teeth, summoned flying monsters, and rushed directly out of the defense barrier.

The remaining five seniors looked at each other and immediately summoned flying monsters to follow.

As soon as the six seniors got into the air, they took out their weapons and slashed them at Yuanwei, Yao Xuan, and the third peak disciple.

The younger sister who dared to scold them was a bitch, and the master who dared to scold them was also a trash bag, shrank his head.

Don't think of a good ending to these three bitches!

Before the six seniors rushed out, they were already optimistic.

The strength of these three people is in the early stage of the ninth stage of the Yao Xuan Hua Ling Realm, and the late stage of the seventh stage of the Yuan Wei Hua Ling Realm.

There are three people on the other side.

There are six of them, and after taking the various pills given by Jun Mohuang, the strength of the six is ​​highest in the early stage of the seventh stage of the spiritual transformation, and the lowest is the middle stage of the fifth stage of the spiritual transformation.

They are just large in number, and their strength does not occupy the advantage.

But the six brothers have already given up, no matter whether it can win or not, dare to slander their little sister like that, even if they will lose, they must raise their fists and weapons to ask the little sister for an explanation!

"Yo yo yo, this young man thought that these six trash bags would not get angry."

Yuan Wei's attack on these six people didn't pay much attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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