Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1303: Half a year? Get it all in 20 seconds 2

Chapter 1303 for half a year? Get it all in 20 seconds 2

It was as if Jun Mohuang had already mastered the first rune strokes and had carved it hundreds of times.

"Uh... this looks pretty simple."

Jun Mohuang turned his head and saw Master's sluggish face, suddenly a little embarrassed.

Master said that it would take her an average of 18 days to learn a rune. She learned the first rune in a few seconds. It was considered as slapped Master in the face.

She is interested in hitting the enemy in the face, and she has no intention of hitting her master in the face at all!

When she was in the Cangyuan Continent Thousand Fantasy Academy, when she first tried to engrave runes by herself, she did have a dizzy reaction.

This time, Jun Mohuang didn't have any bad reactions at all. She swept the first rune stroke with mental power, and the shape of the rune stroke was instantly imprinted on her brain.

Including some details such as the curvature of the curve, I also remember it clearly.

Jun Mohuang didn't hesitate to write, and finished it with a few brushes.

She guessed that maybe this is because the power of the complete rune is too strong, which will interfere with her memory.

The strength of this split stroke was weakened, so she completed it easily this time without any interference.


Yue Rong was still in a daze, Jun Mohuang stretched out his hand and waved in front of his eyes.

"Try the second one!"

Yue Rong suddenly came back to his senses, and put the second rune stroke on his finger.

Compared with the first rune stroke, the second one has more curvature and more changes.

Jun Mohuang swept with mental energy, pinched the rune pen, brushed and brushed, and successfully carved on a blank jade pendant.

"The third."

Yue Rong pointed to the third one.

Jun Mohuang brushed and brushed, and the third carve was successful.

"the fourth."

Go back and forth, success.

"the fifth."

One time success again.

Where Yue Rong pointed, Jun Mohuang would hit it. Oh, it's not right, it should be said that it is carved to where.

Soon, the ten runes Yue Rong on the first page were all pointed out, and Jun Mohuang was successfully carved all at once.

Yue Rong looked at the golden rune strokes on the ten jade pendants on the table, his scalp was numb, his legs were soft and he couldn't stand, and he sat directly on the chair.

Tonight, he felt that his common sense and three views were greatly impacted.

In this world, someone can actually draw a rune stroke with a glance.

Jun Mohuang: "Master, are you okay, do you still have sequelae from the body after getting into trouble?"

No, with her pill and Yinyue Xianli, Yue Rong's body won't have any sequelae.

"No, little disciple, it's okay to be a teacher."

Yue Rong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

No matter where he was unwell, he was completely frightened by Jun Mohuang.

Others need to study for ten years and practice hundreds of millions of rune strokes, and she can do it all in five minutes.

In these five minutes, most of the time was spent on drawing runes.

Really counted, she learned from studying, I'm afraid it took no more than 20 seconds.

This is really terrifying, what kind of enchanting apprentice he has received!

His little disciple is completely a natural talisman.

"Little disciple, what is the golden, pen-like thing in your hand."

Yue Rong slowed down.

Talismans have different habits or ways of engraving runes, but without exception, they use their fingers.

Even if Yue Rong is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, he has never seen a Talisman using auxiliary tools, unless...

Yue Rong looked at Jun Mohuang's eyes, and he was surprised and unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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