Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1298: Successfully captured, one mouse 1

Chapter 1298 is successfully captured, a mouse 1

It was still light this day, and Jun Mohuang came to Shuijingshan as usual.

She was about to enter the cave when Elder Yu stopped her.

"Jun Mohuang, this elder asks you again, what kind of trick you did that day, suddenly increased the production of Shui Jing Linggen by three!"

Elder Yu's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he kept scanning up and down.

"This, it doesn't seem to matter to Elder Yu, I refuse to answer. Sovereign Lord hasn't even asked about it. Elder Yu still does his own job."

Jun Mohuang glanced at Elder Yu lightly.

This old man has been asking her these days.

Of course, she would not tell Elder Yu that it was the combination of the water and wood elements of Lord Yinyue and Old Turtle, which increased the production of Shui Jing Linggen by three in half a month.

Why didn't Elder Yu see the three extra ones?

That's because Jun Mohuang deliberately hid those three roots.

When she took care of Shui Jing Linggen on the first day, she made some small moves.

When the root of the water spirit mirror lacks aura, Jun Mohuang directly supplements the aura, water and wood.

Among them, when ten water mirrors were lacking in spiritual roots, she combined the spiritual energy and water and wood dual elements into a tiny energy group in the city, and deliberately placed them near these ten roots.

As a kind of immortal plant, Shuijing Linggen already has some Lingzhi.

These ten energy clusters that constantly feel that they are supplementing nutrients come from the bottom, so they slowly retract the rhizomes so that they can absorb the energy clusters in the first time.

The colors and textures of Shuijing Linggen and Shuijingshan look the same.

Under the refraction of natural light, there was a faint colorful halo.

When everyone counts, they only count the roots of the water mirror.

The one who retracted voluntarily, because the water mirror and the water mirror spiritual root were too similar to be seen at all.

It will also be ignored because of habit.

Therefore, Elder Yu didn't see it at that time.

After Jun Mohuang said these words, he didn't even leave an extra look for Elder Yu, and went straight into the cave.


Elder Yu looked angry.

His duty is to protect Shuijing Mountain and prevent Shuijing Linggen from being stolen.

Shui Jing Linggen's output was indeed not his turn to worry about.

But Elder Yu was unwilling, just wondering what she did.

Jun Mohuang's mouth is very hard, no matter what method he uses to ask, he can't ask a word.

Elder Yu watched Jun Mohuang's red skirt flying up and disappearing into the cave, and sneered.

Hmph, Jun Mohuang, you also know what this elder's job is.

Then, this elder will stare at you carefully, until he finds that you are stealing the water mirror spirit root, he won't even blink his eyes!

Elder Yu took a leap, returned to the top of Shuijing Mountain, took out the Water Mirror, and began to concentrate on monitoring Jun Mohuang.

She won the bet with Yuanba, and Jun Mohuang had more than a month to come into contact with the Shui Jing Linggen.

He didn't believe that Jun Mohuang would not show his feet!

In the water mirror mountain, Jun Mohuang took out a chair and sat down, looking at the newly grown water mirror roots, and his mood became very good.

The guys from these new elders are only one-third the size of ordinary water mirror spiritual roots, but it doesn't prevent them from maturing in fifteen days.

Jun Mohuang was adding a hint of spiritual energy to the two water mirror spiritual roots in time, and he felt that there was a line of sight in the air, and it fell on her tightly.

Jun Mohuang's eyes turned slightly, it seems that Elder Yu didn't personally catch her stealing the root of the water mirror.

There are still three chapters around 12 o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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