Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1290: Give you twenty seconds, let you struggle 2

Chapter 1290 gives you twenty seconds, so you can struggle 2

Elder Yu's eyes were dull. When it first broke in the morning, he clearly saw that there were seven roots, why suddenly there were three more.

"There is a problem here! There is definitely a problem!"

"Jun Mohuang, you are so courageous to use fake water mirror spiritual roots to make up your mind!"

Yao Xuan originally saw the ten water mirror spiritual roots, and his heart was cold.

Why, why every time Jun Mohuang is in a dangerous situation, she can turn the danger into a breeze.

Even such an impossible thing can make her possible. Why should God treat her so favorably!

Yao Xuan was jealous of Jun Mohuang's good fortune. When he heard Elder Yu say that there was definitely a problem, his first reaction was that the three extra ones were fakes.

Jun Mohuang sneered disdainfully: "Fake, Yao Xuan, go and make a fake water mirror spiritual root to show me, I will give you 100 million amethyst."

The crowd onlookers were shocked, and when they heard Yao Xuan's words, their eyes flashed

Shui Jing Linggen can't fake it, it's something all Ling Yuanzong people know.

The proud disciple of Yuanfeng Master didn't even know it, but lowered the grade of Third Peak.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Yuanba glared at Yao Xuan.

Jun Mohuang's success in increasing production is embarrassing enough, why this Yao Xuan is so ignorant.

Run out to make a joke that everyone knows!

A delicate thing like Shui Jing Linggen contains water elements inside, so it is impossible to fake it.

Yao Xuan squeezed his fist helplessly and backed away.

"Jun Mohuang, your three roots must have only grown out just now today. Strictly speaking, this is the output of the sixteenth day and cannot be counted in the output of the first fifteen days. You and Yuanfeng Master The bet was not won!"

Elder Yu thought about it, and only in this way can he explain why there are ten water mirrors.

"Really, please check with Lord Sect Master, whether these three extra roots grew out today or before today."

Jun Mohuang smiled slightly and turned the cold jade box to Lord Sect Master.

She only increased the production of Shui Jing Linggen, and forgive the Lord Sect Master would not tell lies at this time.

Even if he lied, Jun Mohuang had a trick to deal with it.

"You don’t need to look at it, this sect master can see at a glance. These ten water mirrors have the same color and lustre, and they all grew from the same period. It’s not like Elder Yu said, three of them only grew today ."

Sect Master glanced lightly at the ten water mirror spiritual roots in the cold jade box, and then looked at Jun Mohuang thoughtfully.

In the past half month, Shui Jing Linggen not only increased production, but he could clearly see that the quality of the Shui Jing Linggen that had grown in this half month was a little better than before.

The difference is very subtle, and only he can sense it among the people present.

"My God, Lord Sovereign said that these ten roots were grown in the same period!"

"That is to say, Yuanfeng Master and Jun Mohuang bet on an appointment, and Yuanfeng Master lost..."

Among the crowd eating melons, a disciple covered his mouth in surprise.

Yuanba loses, Jun Mohuang wins, this is an ending that no one expected.

Thinking of the various cynicisms they had made to Jun Mohuang before, they thought it was a foolish dream for her to win unless the sun came out from the west.

But in fact, they slapped them severely.

Jun Mohuang, she really did it!

"Okay, Master Yuanfeng, Lord Sect Master has spoken, if you still want to struggle to death, our Second Peak will give you twenty seconds to make you struggle."

There are still 5 chapters. It is estimated that it will be after 12 o’clock. Don’t stay up all night and wait. Let’s get up tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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