Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1200: Painful

Chapter 1200

She must wait until the half-moon night is completely obscured by thick clouds before acting.


Here, Jun Mohuang was in a good mood when he got three water mirror spiritual roots.

On the other side, the Lingyuanzong's other main peaks except the second peak are about to shake up the sky.

In the hall on the third peak, the seriously injured disciples collapsed on the stretcher.

The spacious hall is densely packed with injured disciples.

Today, the more than 700 disciples who were bounced by the barrier, and finally bounced off, were finally carried back to the Lingyuanzong and sent back to the main peaks.

The rebound force of the seven main peaks of Lingyuanzong's defense barrier was not covered. These disciples were bounced around, and finally fell into the stone forest, all seriously injured.

Either fractured or damaged viscera, collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up.

The handyman disciples of Lingyuanzong spent great effort during the day to bring all these people back.

The number of these disciples accounted for 90% of the official disciples in the clan. So many people were seriously injured at the same time, and they couldn't take care of them.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"Woo, give me another pill!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, help, whoever comes to save me, I feel like I am about to die..."

The scene was very chaotic for a time, and many disciples began to wailing.

Even after taking the medicine, the pain on these disciples is still torturing them.

Those who are more seriously injured need the alchemist to personally take care of the injuries.

"Where is the pharmacist, how about the pharmacist, why didn't a pharmacist come?"

Yuanba, the leader of the third peak, walked around the hall irritably.

Since he became the peak owner of the second peak, this kind of thing has not happened to the third peak, and almost the entire mountain's disciples have been seriously injured.

Moreover, it was carried by Jun Mohuang, the new core disciple, and planted in the hands of the waste group of Second Peak.

This made Yuanba, who had always regarded himself as the quasi-sect master in Ling Yuanzong, very embarrassed.

What irritated Yuanba even more was that he learned that Yuanwei, Yao Xuan and other disciples were bombarded by the enchantment of the second peak, and immediately rushed to the second peak angrily.

The mountain where the second peak is currently located is not one of the seven main peaks. The defense barrier of this mountain is very fragile.

Yuanba is a powerful ninth-order Yuanzun who can break the defense barrier and enter.

But what Yuanba didn't expect was that he couldn't break through the defense barrier of Second Peak at all, and was almost bounced by the defense barrier.

Fortunately, he is a powerhouse of the ninth-level Yuanzun realm, with extremely fast reaction speed, and he dodges in time to avoid.

Otherwise, Yuanba's end will be exactly the same as Yuanwei Yaoxuan's end.

"Peak Master, Master Chang is treating Young Master Yuan and Yao Xuan inside, and he will come out in a while."

A disciple who was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe saw Yuanba's angry appearance, and he was cautious in his words, for fear that Yuanba would anger him.

"Of course Lao Tzu knows that Master Chang is treating in it. Lao Tzu is asking other pharmacists. Isn't it possible that only Master Chang is the only pharmacist in Lingyuanzong!"

Seeing this disciple's weak and fearful expression, Yuanba was instantly furious. He stepped forward and grabbed the disciple's chest and laps, and shouted at him.

Master Chang still invited him. He didn't know that Master Chang was inside? Talk nonsense!

"Peak master, the remaining pharmacists have been invited by other peak masters..."

The disciple was being carried by Yuanba like a little chicken, and his body was shaking.

Although Lingyuanzong is the major sect in this area, there are not many alchemists, including Master Chang, there are only six.

(End of this chapter)

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