Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1196: Mine 3

Chapter 1196 Three Roots 3

Chi Chi directly grabbed the collar of the undercover, ready to punch him directly.

Don't give it, don't give it to him.

The Mozu has always had a set of things that other races can't find, but Chichi is hard to find.

Just when Chi Chi’s fist was about to hit the undercover’s face, Jun Mohuang stopped Chi Chi’s actions.

"Don't be so rough."

She walked to the undercover and took out five white jade bottles.

"This is a hard time for you. This is a medicine for wounds, hide it by yourself, remember to take it when you are bullied. It can make your wound heal quickly and relieve pain, and at the same time, it can create an unhealed illusion on the surface of your wound."

Five small white jade vases glowed with a warm white luster under the shadow of the night light.

"On the surface, your wound hasn't changed. In fact, the wound underneath has healed. Take it."

The undercover took the white jade bottle with a doubtful look in his eyes, took out a pill and took it.

The special pill that can create illusions is extremely difficult to refine, and only Emperor Ling Tian in the Nine Nether Realm can refine it.

Only when he can successfully return more than fifteen water mirror spirit pills to the Nine Nether World every six months, he will be rewarded with a special medicine with similar effects.

The girl in front of him took out five bottles of similar special pill, he didn't believe it.

The pill's entrance immediately turned into a mass of essence and the meridians flowed slowly in his body.

Hmm...this familiar formula, familiar taste, familiar feeling...

It is exactly the same as the special pill that he was awarded before!

The Mozu undercover was excited. The special pill given to her by the young girl in front of her was real, and she did not deceive herself.

"Thank you Miss."

The undercover Mozu grabbed the pill with trembling hands, almost screaming excitedly.

The conscience of heaven and earth, this special pill is really great for him!

As a handyman disciple, it is commonplace to be bullied by other disciples of high status.

The handyman disciple had no money and no channels to obtain the medicine. Even if he had the medicine, he did not dare to use it.

Once used, it was discovered by everyone that his injury healed too quickly, and he was in danger of revealing his identity.

Because the handyman disciple of Lingyuanzong couldn't afford the medicine.

But every time I was beaten, I didn't need any medicine and waited for the wound to heal naturally, which was very painful.

With this special medicine, there is no need to worry about this problem anymore.

The special pill made by this young lady must have been taught by the emperor who looked like a **** in his heart.

It's no wonder that the adult said just now that this young lady is more powerful than Miss Yu.

Yu Yanrou can only refine water mirror spirit pills.

Being able to be taught by the emperor personally, the talent and identity of this young lady is by no means ordinary.

Facts have proved that this young lady is better than Miss Yu in refining medicine.

Since Di Lingtian personally taught this young lady, there is absolutely no problem with the identities of these three people.

"Miss, these three-month-old water mirror spiritual roots are here, there were ten before, but they were all sent back to the Nine Nether Realm three months ago."

The Demon Undercover completely dispelled his doubts, and sincerely convinced Jun Mohuang, and took the initiative to hand over a cold jade box with a large palm to her.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jun Mohuang took the cold jade box, and the cold jade box was cold, with ice element attributes.

It is the best utensil for storing delicate treasures such as the water mirror Linggen.

Jun Mohuang opened it and saw three transparent plant roots lying in the white jade box.

(End of this chapter)

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