Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1192: There is this operation 2

Chapter 1192 There is this kind of operation 2

Then bounce back to the sixth peak by the enchantment of the fourth peak, bounce from the sixth peak to the sixth peak, and then bounce from the sixth peak to see the fifth peak...

Yuan Wei, Yao Xuan, and Chu Han'er were constantly bombarded by the defense barrier between the seven peaks.

In the air, only the screams of two men and a woman were heard constantly.

Finally, Yuan Wei, Yao Xuan, Chu Han'er and the two flying monsters were bounced like glass **** for five minutes, and they landed on the defense barrier of the first peak.

The first peak is where the lord of Lingyuanzong lives and is the core of Lingyuanzong.

The defensive enchantment is very thick, and the rebound force is the strongest.

Yuan Wei and Chu Han'er, who had installed the first defensive enchantment, were instantly thrown into the sky and turned into the brightest stars in the sky.

Jun Mohuang summoned the Jade Snow Leopard and flew into the sky to look far away.

The trio showed that three small black dots were ejected from the Lingyuanzong, and fell into a stone forest somewhere full of rocks.

With a bang, dozens of giant stalactites in the stone were smashed from falling from the sky, and a cloud of blue-gray smoke rose up.

In the smoke, Yao Xuan, Yuan Wei and Chu Han'er collapsed on the gravel.

The three of them had messy hair, disheveled clothes, and blood stains on the corners of their lips.

The three of them had long been caused by the force of the enchantment to bounce back and forth, dizzy and seriously injured.

In a daze, Yao Xuan thought with great effort, what the **** was going on, he clearly spotted the loopholes in the barrier before rushing down, why is this happening!

"Tsk tusk, this distance, more than five kilometers, deserves to be the barrier of the first peak."

The rebound force is equal to the defensive force, and the barrier of the first peak is really not blowing.

Jun Mohuang looked far away and gave such an evaluation after seeing the encounter of the three.

Those more than 700 disciples who followed Yuanwei and Chu Han'er ended up in exactly the same way as Yuanwei and Chu Han'er. They used their bodies to draw countless parabolas in the air, and then bounced around the barriers of various mountain peaks, swimming for five minutes. The last attribution is the stone forest outside Lingyuanzong.

There were constant screams in the air, and after being bounced by the barrier several times, these screams gradually disappeared. Obviously, under the continuous impact, they fainted gorgeously.

"Hey, newcomer to the second peak, what kind of magic do you use, stop!"

Among these disciples, a few of them were from the tail of the crane, and the ones that rushed down were at the back, and they were lucky to escape the disaster.

When these disciples saw this, their faces were pale, and they couldn't stand firmly on the flying monster.

They knew exactly how powerful the defensive barrier of Lingyuan Sect Master Peak was.

Being bounced like this is no less than being attacked by a powerful person above the sixth rank of Yuanzun.

So when Yao Xuan, Yuan Wei, and more than 700 disciples were constantly bombarded by the barrier, a few lucky disciples asked the Jun Mohuang who was flying high to watch the excitement to stop.

"Since it is a demon method, how can it be stopped at any time, you should still collect the sick number, or hurry up and prepare the pill to save people."

Jun Mohuang looked helpless.

"Newcomer, wait!"

Several lucky disciples were frightened and angry, for fear that they would use Emperor Mohuang's demon technique, bounce themselves around, and hurriedly drove the flying monster to escape.

In the second peak.

All this happened very fast and it was caught off guard.

The six seniors stared at the sky blankly. Six of them had their mouths wide open, and they could all enter an egg.

There is actually an operation!

The defensive barriers of the Seven Peaks are very thick, so if they are bounced around, they may have broken several ribs. They all feel pain all over the body.

(End of this chapter)

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