Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1189: There are surprises 2

Chapter 1189 has surprises 2

They didn't wake up like a dream until Jun Mohuang came to divide the advanced building materials.

The six seniors were refusing to say that this was a high-end building material that the little junior sister had spent 300 million amethysts to buy. It was too rare and precious, so how could they embarrassedly accept it.

Reluctantly, Jun Mohuang insisted, but the six seniors had to accept it.

"Old tortoise, don't play, you go and repair the defense barrier of this mountain."

Jun Mohuang finished dividing the high-level building materials equally, thinking about the defense barrier.

Every mountain peak that Lingyuanzong has built, the top of the mountain peak is protected by a defensive enchantment.

No one can break in without permission.

In particular, the six peak masters whose status is only below the sovereign are very strict in entering and exiting.

However, because the second peak is too low in status, there are loopholes in the defense barrier here. Everyone comes and walks at the second peak freely.

The disciples of other peaks in the past often used the loopholes in the barrier to bully the six seniors in the second peak.

"Hey, beautiful master, don't worry, I repaired the old tortoise last night. And the newly repaired enchantment, there are surprises."

The old turtle turned around and smiled slyly.

Jun Mohuang nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, look at these people."

Although the aura of the second peak is thin, the scenery is very good.

Jun Mohuang found a concealed and quiet small valley, and continued to look through the water mirror spirit pill in the intermediate pharmacist's secret book.

The other seniors returned to the cave and decorated their residences with the high-grade building materials given by Jun Mohuang.

Mo Ranchen, like Jun Mohuang, randomly found a place and used this free time to start practicing. 1

The big brother insisted on staying and acted as the overseer with Lord Yinyue and Laogui.


The third peak.

Yao Xuan, Yuan Wei, Chu Han'er and more than two hundred disciples of the inner and outer disciples of the third peak headed toward the second peak in a mighty manner.

Yao Xuan returned to the Third Peak and explained to Yuan Ba ​​what happened in the management hall. Yuan Ba ​​was furious, and the other disciples of Third Peak were also very angry.

In Lingyuanzong, no one has ever dared to abolish the third peak's outer disciple like Jun Mohuang in the public, and he simply didn't put the third peak in his eyes.

As soon as Yuan Wei learned of this incident, he followed Yao Xuan and the other disciples of Third Peak.

Behind the third peak and his group, a large group of people followed Wu Ya.

These people are all disciples of other five peaks.

They all came to avenge their respective disciples who were beaten to the ground by Mo Yanchen in the management hall.

More than two hundred disciples from the inner and outer doors of the third peak came, and the average strength of each person was in the fifth rank of Yuanjun.

In order to deal with Emperor Mohuang, Yao Xuan and Yuan Wei deliberately asked Yuan Ba ​​for three Yuan Zun realm fourth and fifth-level beasts.

It's not a problem to catch Jun Mohuang this time.

There are about 700 disciples of other Wufeng disciples, and the average strength of these 700 people is in the fourth rank of Yuanjun. These disciples have angry expressions on their faces.

The people at the second peak were too arrogant this time.

Today, they must flatten the peak of the second peak so that the group of wastes on the second peak will be homeless, and then they will be sent to be handymen.

Yao Xuan, Yuan Wei and his party quickly came to the second peak.

With a lineup of nearly a thousand people, the sky above the second peak is full of black.

"Jun Mohuang, let me listen carefully to the young master, as long as you get out quickly, hand over all the high-level building materials, and kowtow in front of the young master and the young master, as well as the third peak and other Wufeng disciples, to apologize and beg , I will consider treating you lightly!"

Updated today

(End of this chapter)

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