Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1164: Two tears

Chapter 1164 Two tears

Jun Mohuang is a pharmacist, and his attention to the cultivator's body is inherently more sensitive than ordinary cultivators.

Almost the moment she reached the Lair of Flame Beast, she discovered the anomaly.

Those people were just fainted by the illusion, there was no lack of arms or legs, and there was no danger to their lives.

After fainting for a few hours, I woke up.

"The third point, the flame beast is a fire element beast, and it is full of flames, and the surrounding trees, grass and shrubs, there is no sign of being scorched."

"I have confirmed through a special method that the wood element here is of average richness, and it is impossible to resist the burning of the fire element. In summary, this flame beast was made by illusion."

This is why I asked Laogui about the wood element.

The four of them carefully recalled the scene just now, only to remember that there was indeed no smell of blood at that time.

There was no trace of burning trees and bushes near the blaze beast.

It's just that when they saw several blood people running out, they were in a state of fear.

After seeing the flame beast, I was almost scared by the flame beast and couldn't stand up anymore. How could I notice these details.

What's more, the reaction time is so short, and it is more difficult to notice these details.

The four of them admired Jun Mohuang even more.

Mo Ranchen narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that he still had to learn more from his sister.

At that time, he also noticed that there was no smell of blood, but he thought it was a method of the flame beast, and was afraid that the smell of blood would attract the cultivator's alertness.

For others, he didn't notice much.

Jun Mohuang and his party gradually walked away.

On a tree in the dense forest, a handful of cold sweat was wiped from his forehead.

"Oh my god, this is just a heartbeat."

"Almost scared to death by the hostess."

Blue patted his heart, his face pale.

When they saw the scene where the flame beast's claws grabbed Jun Mohuang just now, they almost broke with fear.

Just when the two were about to rush out to save Emperor Mohuang, she told them that it was an illusion through a secret language.

Later, I saw that Jun Mohuang was safe and sound. Even so, the mood of the two of them kept jumping.

Following the hostess is more thrilling than following your own respect.

"Mistress, can you tell us earlier next time, I really want to be scared to death by you."

Chi Chi used secret language to communicate with Jun Mohuang.

"Sorry, I forgot your existence just now, I will tell you in advance next time."

Jun Mohuang in front was a little embarrassed.

She was used to going around alone in her previous life, but it was easy to forget the fact that she also had two personal guards.

It's okay if she doesn't say that, as soon as she says this, Chi Chi and Lan Lan both have tears in their eyes.

It was so sad that the hostess had forgotten their existence.

Next, Jun Mohuang's six-person team found several large patches of Qi and Blood Grass.

Without exception, these Qi-blood grasses were protected by a huge monster.

Some of these monsters are illusions, and some are real monsters.

The real and the false alternate between the real and the false, and whoever is the real one needs to be carefully identified.

If one is careless and regards the real beast as a fake illusion, then he can only go to see the king.

But for Jun Mohuang, these are nothing.

Relying on the bonus of observation and induction, she can distinguish between true and false beasts to achieve a terrifying 100%.

When you encounter fake monsters, just go straight to pull out the Qi and Blood Grass.

When encountering a real monster, release Lord Yinyue, the old tortoise and myrtle to kill the real monster, and then go to pull out the blood grass.

(End of this chapter)

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