Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1156: The fear of being almost confiscated 3

Chapter 1156 The fear of being almost confiscated 3

What these complaining people don't know is that their dissatisfaction has just been expressed, and 20 points are deducted from the jade pendant.

"Hey, hey, listen carefully, you guys, Ben Shao is the nephew of the Peak Master Lingyuanzong Yuan. As long as you each hand in two thousand amethyst stones, Ben Shao will arrange you to a strong one through the relationship. Team."

When everyone didn't know when the Lingyuanzong group would come down, there was a sudden commotion in front of them.

I saw Yuan Wei swaggering into the Bluestone Square surrounded by five inner disciples of the Lingyuan Sect.

Yuan Wei's luck was good. He was caught by Jun Mohuang the previous month and was cleaned up by sisters Mo Yaxi. After his embarrassed was released by Jun Mohuang, he was immediately taken to Ling Yuanzong.

He had only lived to know that Yuanba, the leader of the third peak of Lingyuanzong, was his second uncle.

He immediately became the core disciple of Ling Yuanzong because of his second uncle.

In Ling Yuanzong, relying on the Yuan Ba ​​Yaowu to show off his might, it was much cooler to bully the Mo Clan by rampant dominance in Baiyu City.

Yuan Wei quickly adapted to life in Ling Yuanzong.

The people who were waiting saw Yuan Wei wearing the Ling Yuanzong core disciple's clothes, and the five younger brothers who followed him were all inner disciples, and they immediately believed his words.

Everyone started to pay amethyst.

Soon, Yuan Wei walked to Jun Mohuang with five younger brothers.

"Everyone don't go, it's useless."

Jun Mohuang originally didn't want to be nosy, but the opponent was Yuanwei, so he had to deal with it.

The month before he let him go, but because of Ling Yuanzong.

By Jun Mohuang's side, the cultivators who had been eager to move obediently listened to her this time, and did not pay.

"Jun Mohuang, it's you! You're doing bad things about Xiaoye again!"

As soon as Yuan Wei walked over, he saw Jun Mohuang inciting people around him not to pay.

He immediately thought of the humiliation he suffered a month ago, his eyelids were cut, and his fear of being confiscated by the Mo family sisters for his work.

"Cousin, Yuanfeng Master of Lingyuanzong, but a popular candidate for the future Sect Master, I think it must be right for us to pay this son."

Chu Han'er pulled La Jiang Pei's sleeve, she and Jun Mohuang held opposite opinions.

Hmph, this cheap girl, thinking that she guessed wildly yesterday and guessed something wrong with the Scarlet Poria cocos, she felt ashamed and assumed that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

Unfortunately, she was wrong this time.

Chu Han'er's desire to become a core disciple is extremely strong, and the relationship between the seven peak masters of Lingyuanzong has long been investigated.

Yuan Wei is indeed the nephew of Yuanba, the master of the third peak, and it is definitely useful to stuff him with amethyst.

"it is good."

Jiang Pei wanted to hear what Jun Mohuang said, but when he thought that doing so would increase Chu Han'er's chance of becoming a core disciple, he immediately agreed.

Jiang Pei was afraid that 2,000 amethysts per person would not be enough, so he directly handed in 10,000 amethysts to Yuanwei.

"Hahaha, Ms. Han'er still has the foresight. Please rest assured that you two, this young master will definitely use the relationship to let the two be assigned to the strong team."

Yuan Wei asked the names of Chu Han'er and Jiang Pei clearly, his wretched eyes fell on Chu Han'er's small face, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Tsk tsk, this lovely, loving gesture, this chick is not bad, you must get it!

"You guys, give Ben Shao a beating!"

Yuan Wei squinted and admired Chu Han'er for two seconds, then turned his gaze and glared fiercely at Jun Mohuang, a vicious light flashing in his eyes.

There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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