Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1148: Surprise Di Lingtian 2

Chapter 1148 To Surprise Di Lingtian 2

Jun Mohuang saw the frustration of the three of them and patted them on the shoulders.

"As long as there is enough time, three years later, the cultivation speed of the three of you will definitely surpass a large part of the geniuses of the eighth-level mysterious realm who were born into the seventh or eighth rank of the spiritual transformation realm."

What a joke, the three of them will have a steady stream of Golden Pattern Pill, Silver Moon Immortal Glass and other high-quality cultivation resources in the future.

There are not many other things in Jun Mohuang's hands, just amethyst and various high-quality cultivation resources.

Even if it is a trash with a natural talent of only one yellow level, he can become a genius in her hands.

When Jun Mohuang went to Lingyuanzong this time, he had already left enough silver moon celestial glaze and various pills for the Mo clan and three younger brothers.

The three of them don't have to worry about their future strength.

"Boss, don't worry, we will work hard to cultivate in these two months."

"Well, boss, we also plan to learn from Uncle Mo to manage the affairs of Baiyu City."

Feng Yunqi, Wu Qianyong and Shi Feng immediately returned blood after hearing Jun Mohuang's encouragement.

"Well, yes. Yun Qi, you are smart, and you are responsible for making money; Wu Qianyong, you are strong, and Bai Yucheng's public security is handed over to you; Shi Feng, you practice the assassination system, give me a responsibility Intelligence and assassination teams. I will see results within a year."

Jun Mohuang nodded, combining their respective characteristics, and assigned them their respective tasks.

One year later, she hopes to initially establish her own power.

In the future, she will make Baiyu City the number one city in the Bafang Profound Realm.

"The money is your start-up capital. If you can't pick someone, you can ask your uncle."

Jun Mohuang gave the three spars three cards, each containing 500 million amethysts.

Cough, no way, during this month, before Baili Yunsheng officially started his run away plan, he took her to open a pill auction.

Even if Jun Mohuang had sent out 1.5 billion amethysts now, she still had 1.4 billion in her spar card.

"Haha, boss, don't worry about this, we have absolutely no problem with selecting people."

Feng Yunqi patted his chest, full of confidence.

With the start-up capital of 500 million amethyst, he can definitely do a big thing.

He is very dissatisfied with his acrobatics when he sees people with his lingual power.

But this monkey is very clever. It also has the gift of being able to see who is smart and who is dumb in a crowd.

Making money is a game for smart people, Feng Yunqi only needs to use this monkey to select a lot of smart people, and then hold their souls.

Wu Qianyong's giant horned rhinoceros has the bloodline of the ancient giant beast dragon blood horned rhinoceros. It is infinitely powerful and can see the cultivation talent and combat power of the practitioner.

Shi Feng's spirit power and ghost shadows belong to the category of spirit bodies, and are naturally very sensitive to those who are good at hiding actions.

Jun Mohuang nodded: "Very well, then I'm relieved."

"Sister, what about me, what am I responsible for?"

"Yes, sister, what is our sister responsible for."

Mo Yaxi and sister Mo Xi were full of longing when they heard Jun Mohuang's arrangement.

The reason why Mo Xi was not allowed to go was because his strength was too low, and the reason why Mo Yaxi was not allowed to go was because he had a baby and couldn't mess around.

Don't go to Lingyuanzong, the two of them will help Jun Mohuang do something.

The Mo Clan has a Monarch Mo Phoenix, and it will rise soon, and it will be enthusiastic about it.

The two sisters actually wanted to follow Jun Mohuang to Lingyuanzong, but no matter how they begged, Mo Sie would not allow them.

(End of this chapter)

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