Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1146: The mysterious identity of Zi Shuilan 2

Chapter 1146 The mysterious identity of Zi Shuilan 2

A snow lion beast with ice blue in white and as big as an adult large dog, lovingly rubbed Yun Lan's hand.

This is Yun Lan's spirit power snow lion beast, born with ice element attributes.

In the snow lion beast's body, white and ice blue constantly vented out with a sense of coldness.

Yun Lan took the opportunity to touch the head of the snow lion beast, a feeling of coldness spread across his body.

The snow lion beast was very comfortable by its owner, and with a long roar, the aura on its body spread more happily.

The auras of Zi Shuilan and Yun Lan were transformed at the same time, and the purple aura and the white aura continued to overflow from their training room.

Soon, the sky above Thousand Fantasy Academy was enveloped by the aura of the two people's spiritual power.

"Ice blue, the aura that makes people feel icy, it is the senior Yun Lan who has successfully advanced to the spiritual realm!"

"Ah, the purple aura on the other side must be Senior Zi Shuilan's promotion to the Spirit Realm!"

"I don't know what spiritual power the two seniors transformed into."

"The momentum is so great, it must be very powerful."

The students of Thousand Fantasy Academy immediately recognized the people behind the two auras.

Everyone stood in place, looking at the two auras in the sky.

The purple aura and the icy blue aura in the white continued to climb, breaking through the barrier of the Thousand Fantasy Academy.

The two auras reached the sky, and after touching a certain point, the calm sky suddenly changed.

The clouds were blown quickly by the wind, and while the wind and clouds were surging, a large hole was torn apart in the sky by a mysterious force.

A silver beam of light descended from the sky, covering Zi Shuilan and Yun Lan in the training room.

The two of them did not make any reaction yet. After their bodies touched the silver beam of light, they disappeared instantly along with their spiritual power.

At the same time, somewhere in the Southern Territory.

With a jade pendant in his hand, Jun Jianlin climbed a mountain of tens of thousands of meters with difficulty.

After parting with Jun Mohuang, in order to find Nangong Li more quickly and conveniently, Jun Jianlin used the silver moon immortal glaze given to him by Jun Mohuang to advance to the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

The jade pendant in his hand is constantly flickering, guiding him to climb to the top of the mountain.

Jun Jianlin looked at a snow-white glacier on the mountain, wondering for a while, why Nangong Li came back to such a place.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with the direction Yupei indicated.

Jun Jianlin was wondering when somewhere in the sky was suddenly torn apart by mysterious power, and a silver light fell from the sky, covering him.

In the next moment, Jun Jianlin disappeared like Zi Shuilan and Yunlan.

Bafang Xuanjie, outside the Baiyu Valley.

The aura in the air twisted and fluctuated, and the figures of Yun Lan and Jun Jianlin appeared at the entrance of Bai Yugu.

Both of them didn't know why they were suddenly drawn to the Bafang Profound Realm. With cooperation, the two quickly passed through the White Jade Valley to obtain spiritual energy initiation, and both raised their strength to the third-tier intermediate level of the spirit transformation.

After the two parted, Yun Lan first went to the nearby Baiyu City, and then traveled around.

Jun Jianlin went to Nangong Li according to Yu Pei's guidance.

Xuandu Realm.

The continent where the orcs live.

Zi Shuilan and his spiritual power Zishui Beast appeared in the big square of the city somewhere.

Next to Zi Shuilan, there was a human girl who was Su Zhiyun.

When the silver light landed, Su Zhiyun relied on instinct to grab the sleeves of Zi Shuilan beside her, and she was also taken away from the Cangyuan Continent by the silver light.

Fortunately, she recovered her human form from the fox shape again.

Zi Shuilan and Su Zhiyun have not had time to look at the surrounding environment.

Suddenly tens of thousands of people kneeled down to the two in the main square: "Greetings to the king, and to the return of the princess."

(End of this chapter)

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