Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1143: Shake M Luo Chen 3

Chapter 1143 Shaking M Luo Chen 3

It turned out to be because of disguise.

What she really looked like.

Luo Chen stretched out his hand, trying to tear off Jun Mohuang's disguise mask.

Jun Mohuang, who was falling asleep, suddenly had a strong crisis spread deep in his heart.

She subconsciously raised her palm and waved to Luo Chen's salted pig's hand.

Luo Chen reached out and grabbed her wrist, and replaced her with the other hand to tear off her disguise mask.

At this moment, Luo Chen was a little nervous and a little expectant.

He even had a hunch that her true face would give him a big surprise.

As for what this huge surprise was, and why he had such a premonition, Luo Chen himself did not know.

At the moment when Luo Chen's hand was about to touch Jun Mohuang--

The sense of crisis felt by Jun Mohuang instinctively rose to the maximum level instantly, and her other small hand was raised unconsciously and quickly waved to Luo Chen's face.

At the same time, her eyelashes quivered and she was about to wake up immediately.

Seeing that this slap was about to hit Luo Chen's face.

Luo Chen let go of Jun Mohuang's wrist and dodged backwards, avoiding Jun Mohuang's slap.

A second before she woke up with her eyes opened, she quickly disappeared in place and returned to the tree where she was hiding.

Jun Mohuang suddenly opened his eyes, and the dark jewel-like eyes were full of strong vigilance.

She was obviously studying the calculation formula, how could she suddenly fall asleep.

And after falling asleep, she could have felt a strong crisis.

In the surrounding air, on the wrist of her right hand, there was a breath that made her very disgusted.

Jun Mohuang used aura to eliminate this aura and looked around vigilantly.

Upon seeing this, Luo Chen narrowed his deep eyes slightly. He did not expect that Jun Mohuang's instinct for crisis was so strong.

Under his hypnotism, he can wake up so quickly.

Sure enough, she was a special girl.

Forget it, one day, she will beg to show him her true face.

Luo Chen glanced at Jun Mohuang with a look that was sure to win, and with a flick of his robe, he quietly returned to the courtyard.

Unlike Jun Mohuang, the girl in white was still asleep after being hit by his hypnotism.

Luo Chen summoned the Crystal Flying Boat, holding the girl in white, boarded the Crystal Flying Boat, and flew away from Baiyu City.

Before leaving, Luo Chen's lips twitched lightly. This was a good harvest from the Bafang Profound Realm.

Jun Mohuang over there.

Jun Mohuang looked out the window vigilantly, and there was silence all around in the night, with nothing.

With her current strength, no matter how vigilant and sensitive she is, it is impossible to find the **** Luo Chen of the heavenly spirit world.

This is the gap between strength and realm.

Jun Mohuang walked around in the garden a few times and asked about a few monsters in the Huangyu space. After confirming that no one had come, he found the extra copy of "Intermediate Alchemist Cheats" at the desk by the window. .

There is such a good thing in the world, whatever you think?

Jun Mohuang called out Yinyue and Laogui, tried this cheat book without any traps before reaching out and taking the cheat book in his hand.

Her hand had just touched the cheat book, and the ink-colored flame overflowed from Jun Mohuang's fingertips, burning a line of characters left behind by Luo Chen's talisman on the cover of the cheat book.

The black flame immediately returned to her sea of ​​anger.

All this happened silently, even Jun Mohuang himself did not notice anything.

Jun Mohuang flipped through the book in his hand. It was really an intermediate refining medicine and a secret book.

If no one has been here just now, then the question is, where did this thing come from?

(End of this chapter)

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